Chapter 21: A Soldiers Day-off

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Location: Xavier's Institute
Time: 0900 Hours
Date: 09/29/2013

After Mitchell cracked open the databank from the M.R.D. base in Miami, Hank told the rest of the team, he will be taking a look at the possible locations The Brotherhood will be attempting to attack the M.R.D., and Senator Kelly. Right now there were no attacks yet, leaving them grounded inside the Institute with barely anthing else to do but teach.

Mitchell and Carter were walking playing chess in the tables, with Carter on the black side of the chess, and Mitchell on the white side. The two have been playing chess for quite some time now as they were waiting for their girlfriends to finish packing up their clothes for their job at Victoria Secret. Which is something Emma and Betsy didn't tell cause they were planning to tease them after.

Mitchell is wearing a grey combat uniform, the same uniform he wore in the paladin, with a black and blue patterned combat pants. Holstered in his right leg was his SC-IS Pistol and two magazines for the weapons and several pockets with his gadgets.

Carter in the other hand is wearing a similar outfit to Mitchell, only his combat uniform is black and his sleeve is rolled to his elbow, his combat pants is also black, and holstered in his right leg is his M6C pistol along with two magazines.

Carter moved a knight to the right, with Mitchell taking out his rook with a pawn. This left an opening to Carter's queen.

"Got ya." Mitchell thought with a smirk.

Carter moved a bishop out of the way trying to attack his king, but Mitchell went for it and took out his knight.

Carter smirked. "He fell for it." He thought and moved to eat his rook and checked his king which has no way to move.

"Damn." Mitchell muttered. "Should've seen that coming."

"Hey, I know my way around just so you know." Carter said with a smirk.

"I'll find my way. We Sentinel's are intelligent in intel gathering and infiltration."

"But not for chess." Carter countered.

"Maybe, I'll find my way around."

At that moment, Emma and Betsy both came down the stairs, they have their casual clothes and bags with them. "You girls ready?" Carter asked the two telepaths.

"All good to go." Emma said.

Both men stood up from the table and went to the door. "Is this all your bringing?" Mitchell asked.

Betsy smirked to his reply. "Nope, you're carrying the rest." She pointed behind them, which has all their luggage for the day. The two groaned in response as the two telepaths giggled.

Grabbing their respective luggage, they exited the mansion going to their E-Tron GT. Opening the trunk, they put their luggage inside. "I can't stay mad at you, huh?" Carter asked with a smile.

"Nope, you can't." Emma said wrapping her arms around Carter. "And never will be." She smiled and kissed him in the lip's. Carter kissed back with equal force as Emma.

"Hey." Mitchell interrupted breaking their kiss. "Any of you know where were going?"

"Just follow us." Emma replied. "I have the location."

They all entered their car and drive their way out the mansion. Carter's car was in front as Mitchell's car was behind, following him to the location they were going.

Location: New York City
Time: 1100 Hours
Date: 09/29/2013

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