Chapter 3: Adjusting

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Location: Forest Road

Chief is currently driving a civilian warthog with Fred seated in the front passenger seat while Kelly and Linda seated in the back. Everyone is making their way towards New York City where they would find a suitable place to eat and monitor the city.

The warthog and pitbull they were driving in was personally customized by scientists and engineers as was most of their civilian vehicles. Each was equipped with a powerful GPS tracking system hook up to the Infinity as well as an array of satellites they released to keep an eye on things, holographic communications display, voice activated starter, a hidden compartment where he kept some personal weaponry, cloaking field generator, and voice activated shields, and was powered by hydrogen fuel cells, making it the cleanest most advanced vehicle on the planet.

Cortana and Roland managed to procure funds from criminal organizations that don't know about it and helped set up their new lives. Thanks to their master hacking abilities they created new identities with solid evidence that they were all a part of the military and have paid their dues.

"Chief look at this." said Fred as he showed an image of a man wearing a blue costume with red and white stripes on his chest while carrying a circular metal shield with red and white stripes and a star in the middle.

"This is Steve Rogers or better known as Captain America, the first and only successful Super-soldier." said Fred as he continued scrolling down on the hologram.

"The program titled Operation Rebirth, was meant to create an elite fighting force of physically superior soldiers to fight the Third Reich during WWII who also sought to do the same, this where Rogers enters, he was originally rejected from the recruiters office, but a General noticed how much the young man desired to aid his country, therefore he enlisted him into the secret program, headed by the scientist Abraham Erskine."

"How ironic that the Americans would succeed where the Germans failed." The Chief commented.

"Indeed, Rogers was injected with a secret formula then bombarded under controlled conditions by "Vita - Rays", the effects were immediate as his body went from frail to peak human condition, however because of a Nazi spy killing Erskine who had the formula memorized, he was the only subject to be produced, it was revealed that previous subjects were exposed to only half the procedure but this led to severe mental problems, and as for current attempts the results have been mixed at best, however should he have existed in our reality I have no doubt he would have made a fine Spartan." said Kelly as she is looking at Captain America biography.

"Wait, if this was done in WWII, how did this guy survive to this day?" Chief said

"It would appear that on one final mission before the closing of the war, his country's enemies created a crude atomic explosive, he along with his partner went and intercepted the device, however though the managed to divert it, it was armed with a trap, they were over the northern hemisphere and with no choice would have to bail, however only he made it out and because of the enhanced nature of his body was placed in stasis, the Avengers found him and revived him, he has been a member ever since often leading them into battle." Linda said behind the seat

"Anyone else. What about the X-Men who are the people on there group? Chief questions his team.

The images showed a man bound to a wheelchair or hovercraft, always wearing attire one would expect from a professor, despite his age he had no hair on his head, he could be seen conversing with various students and very important people, some even in the hero community.

"The original leader of the group was Charles Xavier or Professor X, a mutant telepath of the highest order, he used his family estate as the base for a school designed to harbor and teach young mutants how to control their abilities as well as teach them to used their abilities for good, most of the students are runaways and outcasts, as their families reject them out of fear or hatred, while others are located by Xavier and are asked to join."

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