Chapter 4: Dinner Place

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Location: Avengers Mansion

Inside the mansion Iron, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Captain Marvel all are seating in the table in one side. In the other side is the Fantastic Four Mr.Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, and The Human Torch. Beside the Fantastic Four are the X-Men Hank McCoy, Emma Frost, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Nightcrawler. Spider-Man also joined shortly as he entered the window that was on the left of the building.

"And these guy told us that don't try and hunt them down they are friendlies." Said Spider-Man as everyone in the room heard the news about a group of unknown mercenaries stopping Electro, Kraven, Rhino, and Shocker in Time Square.

"You're also told me that these guys have advanced suits and weaponry than my armour." Tony said as he analyze the news of the soldiers fighting the villains.

"Yeah, when the blue and green guy launched Rhino to the wall there shield activated and flickered." Johnny said as they replay the video watching there shields activated.

"I've been developing energy shields almost 5 years now I've never seen anything like it." Mr.Fantastic stretched his neck to look closer to the screen. "Even if it was succesful I never really got a full extent of the shield."

"To power such energy they will need a lot of power would need a fusion reactor however to power such suit a small scale is impossible." Hank Pym said to the group.

"What do you guys think about these Mercenaries?" Carol questioned the group.

"Are they part of secret government project?" Hawkeye questions

"No I don't think so I already checked many government organizations none of them can even come close to that." said Tony as he pointed at the video of the battle at Time Square.

"What about you Cap," said Tony as he turned his attention to Captain America seating beside him. "What do you think about these Mercenaries?"

"From what I've seen in this footage right now they are just soldiers that are probably helping others just like what we do. But for Fury I don't think he's not going to stop until he find a trace on these guys and probably cracked them open." Steve said as a final statement leaning back in his chair.

"So what do we do about them" said Captain Marvel

"I say we track them down and get some answers" said Logan stating his ideas

"Logan, c'mon we can't just go in charging like fly's" Rogue said to the feral mutant in her accent "By these videos, these folk are more than enough to take on multiple guys and they ain't afraid to kill"

"My point exactly Rogue, these guys are pros. They posses very dangerous weaponry and by what we've seen I don't think they're afraid to point them at us" Wolverine stating with some conviction "And If we don't act, what if some government or Black op finds them. I don't know about you guys but I'm getting some answers"

Logan left the room as Kitty and Rogue sighed defeatedly as they followed behind trying to calm down their mutant friend.

"So besides Logan we all agreed to give these guys another chance?" said Captain America as the Avengers all nodded.

"The Fantastic Four also agrees" Reed Richards agrees standing in the other side of the table with his team also nodding.

"And so as the X-Men" all of them nodded in agreement as well.

"And I believe that's my cue to leave," said Spider-Man as he climbed on the railing. "gotta go MJ is probably worried sick for me for being late back home see ya." Spider-Man says as he jumped from the railing and out in the city swinging.

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