Chapter 10: Departure

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Location: Infinity Hangar Bay 16
Time: 1560 Hours

The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four were all at the team's private Mess Hall. They were all scattered around the large room all talking in groups. In the middle of the room Tony, Reed, Hank McCoy, Pym, Fury, Xavier, Lasky, and Roland were discussing the possible solution of bringing them hack to their own reality, while Fury and Star were talking about Tech trade which Lasky said he may give out some tech in few conditions that they all have to agree.

Emile, and Logan were talking about there close combat weapons. Logan's adamantium claws, and Emile high-frequency blade.

Spider-Man, Johnny, Bobby, and Ben is with S.C.A.R team and Noble Team - except Emile, Carter and Six - discussing about other things: movies, TV shows, 26th Century Culture etc..

The rest of Blue, and Sentinel Team - except Mitchell -  were with the rest of the Avengers, alongside Jean and Scott Summers. The group were discussing almost the same thing as the other. 'What does the future look like?' Or 'How many world does humanity have colonized'.

Mitchell, Carter, and Six were on another table not to far away from the group reading and talking about the books Carter, and Mitchell got from the library.

The rest of the heroines were on the other side of the trio discussing other things with Cortana. "So you're telling me. You got the first base with Six?"

Carol's face turns bright red, embarrassed at all the attention. "Yeah." She said quietly. "I just kind of him right, after some practice he started kissing back." Ms.Marvel's face broke out into a huge smile, blushing at the memories. "He got pretty good at it in a few days. Never kiseed anyone liked him before."

"Oh details Carol." Janet said to Carol, jumping closer to her blonde friend.

"Easy ladies." Cortana said laughing with the group. "First there's something else I need to address."

The A.I turned to the telepath in the group which is Emma and Betsy. The two blinked in surprise seeing that the attention is with them.

"Yes." Emma said breaking the silence.

"What's up with you and Carter. And Betsy and Mitchell." Cortana asked in a teasing tone. "Last time I checked, the men were the ones who's supposed to be awed by your beauty, and now it's the other way around."

The two telepaths turned crimson in embarrassment knowing they have been caught right handed. "Now that you've mentioned it. Didn't you two went out on a double date 2 days ago."

"Wait what." Ororo caught off guard. "That's why you two were gone that day."

"I knew the date you have with Mitchell and Carter because I was the one who gave them the ideas." Cortana said with a smirk of a child when besting an adult. "I gogta give you ladies props. You managed to pull of a feat of getting Carter, Mitchell, and Nathan on a relationship. Believe when I say this, getting a Spartan and a Sentinel agent on a relationship is not an easy thing."

"What is it like living with them?" Jessica Drew questions Cortana

"Well before we all met. The Spartans are mostly the ones who are quiet, but ever since the formation of S.A.T.O, Sentinel Team and S.C.A.R Team made them more open." She said looking at the group of soldiers talking to the other heroes. "If it wasn't for S.C.A.R and Sentinel Team, the Spartans you knew would probably not be the same."

"Well what about Mitchell?" Betsy asked

"Well, he kinda suffering on PTSD. Being in service in the military for more than 16 years, he and others just went the same childhood as Noble and Blue team."

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