Chapter 17: M.R.D Arc (Wolverine and The X-Men)

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Location: Central Park
Time: 1500 Hours
Date: 09/27/2013

At Central Park, Derek and Natasha were walking together with their hands hold together, and Natasha leaning against Derek. It was great. Natasha had been to many dates to her career as a spy in both S.H.I.E.L.D and the K.G.B, but those were mostly missions and she has to play the role, this, it felt nice since they were both expressing their love to each other.

"Derek, can I ask you a question?" She asked as Derek turned to meet her eyes. "Is this your first date?"

"Of course." He said smiling. "It's probably the wonderful time of my entire life." He said as they sat down on the grass watching other people walked pass the other side.

"When the war ended? What did you do after that?" She asked him.

Derek puts his hand on his chin. "I don't know." He shrugged. "Never knew what to do. All I was trained for is the art of war."

"Well, then maybe you could start one today." She said putting a hand on his chin, before pulling his face towards her for a kiss.

Derek was dumbstruck at first for his first kiss, but he slowly falls for it as his instinct is taking over. He snaked a hand on her waist pulled her closer, while Natasha wraps her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

They passionately make out in the grass while ignoring the looks some people gave when they all pass by the now new couple. After nearly five minutes of making out they separated as they both gasp for breath.

Natasha laid her head on Derek's neck. "Thanks for the date."

"You're welcome." Derek said kissing her forehead as they decided to lay down on the grass resting.

They watch the as the sun starts to disappear and people that were present around the park started to leave. Sooner or later they decided to go home as well, the moon is now set and the park is nearly empty.

Location: Xaviers Institute
Time: 1600 Hours
Date: 09/29/2013

Over the Institute all the X-Men were present in the living room all talking among their friends and colleagues. Scott and Jean were in a couch talking while watching a scary movie called Insidious: Chapter 2.

Logan is drinking beer in a table alone as he is on the computer researching for any valuable missions or any mutant in trouble.

Beast, Rogue, Bobby, and Kitty were in the computer near Logan's table researching and studying their work. Kitty, Bobby, and Rogue were mainly the ones on the computer as they were finishing up their homework, while Beast is marking the test he got from his class.

Emma, Storm, and Betsy were in the opposite side of the couch also watching the Insidious movie. Although Emma and Betsy were sneaking up their phone to text with their boyfriends. Storm caught them right handed and asked to put their phones away and enjoy the show. The girls only poited in response as Scott, Jean, Storm, Bobby, and Kitty laughed at the two telepaths.

"Uhh guys." A person appeared in front of them to see Nightcrawler hanging on the chandelier. "Ve have a problem." He said switching the movie to the news.

"This is NBC News reporting live from Boston, Massachusetts to a report saying that the brotherhood of evil has come down and striked the town. Other repo....." The Reporter was cut off when a car was thrown at them and police moved them away.

The camera shifted at the direction of where the car has been thrown. "This is the Brotherhood Of Evil. Tell Senator Kelly that were here for them and were not gonna stop." A mutant named Toad said as he blasted the camera with goop.

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