Chapter 48: Truly, madly, deeply.

Start from the beginning

Liz lifted up her chin in defiance. Screw failure, operation 'make my husband sexually attracted to me again' was going so well.

Her throat was suddenly too dry for speech, all boldness was flew out through the windows.  This closeness was doing things to her senses and it was doing things to Jason too, the evidence was right there and she could feel it.

She stood on her tiptoe making sure that she was looking into those blue_greyed orbs directly and carried out the next improvised plan.

Step 11; Let it Fall.

She loosened the knot of tiny rope tied across her mid back holding the dress together and let it fall to her waist and finally pushed the rest down her hips.

Jason looked down looking his fill of her porcelain body. Each curve and turn bare to him in such a way that made his palm itch to take a road trip on her skin.

His resolve of not touching her till he could tell her about what happened between him and Tiara was going slowly down the proverbial drain.

God have mercy on me. He let out a silent prayer, he knew if he ended up touching her, it has been too long and he wasn't going to stop.

So instead he asked "what do you want Liz?"

"You," she answered simply.

"I don't want to hurt you." He returned.

"Not touching me is hurting me," she retorted and folded her hands over his neck and tiptoeing to be able to see his face clearly.

"Elizabeth I___" Jason began but was cut off with a tiny soft feather kiss on his lips. After the kiss came another on his nose, his face, his cheeks his eyelids and she continued standing on her tiptoes.

Jason's last iron band of control was probably like melted butter now or grilled cheese.

Then she tug his lower lip in between her teeth and bit it. Simultaneously letting her hands go under his shirt to scratch his back especially knowing how much it was a sensitive zone for him.

Nothing could hold him back now. He crashed his head down and swallowed her lips.

His body registered the difference between swallowing this woman; his egusi soup and kissing someone else. And oh how he missed it, how he loved it.

His kisses were hot, and fervent like a man stranded in the sahara for months dying of thirst and she was his cold water. He kissed her till they could barely breathe and when they came up from air he let his lips find other parts of her body to continue their ministrations. Then finally returned to her lips as he wished his lips would be imprinted on hers forever.

Jason wrapped his right hand at the base if her head cradling her face to him while his other hand dug softly into the bare skin on her waist.

Liz led him towards the white couch and she let herself feel all the emotions something as simple as his lips on hers brought.

Kisses and touch flew like sparks from glowing embers and they used it to feed their desire more and more.

Between themselves they made quick work of Jason's outfit

Jason tried to change positions so that Liz could be on top but she wasn't having. Liz raised both legs to lock him in making sure that his waist was caught between her legs and he was pressed to her as close as possible.

Jason finally dug up his face from places they travelled earlier on her skin looking for hidden treasure and stared at her. "Ife" he called out his voice a husky whisper that sent more delicious thrills to Liz in her birthday suit. His face filled with gentle apprehension and worry.

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