Chapter 81: Research

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The trio of us had gathered a bunch of volumes from Grimmauld Place, Black Manor and Potter library. We spent weeks researching, but no such luck.

"I cant believe it, the Express left 3 hours ago. Its weird not being there." Hermione sighed.

"True, but would you rather learn Dark Arts?" I asked

"Fair enough." Hermione sighed.

I groaned, "how in Merlin are we ever going to destroy those bloody horcruxes?!"


"Im sorry, the full moon is coming tomorrow and Im on edge." I laughed nervously

"Where will you transform?" Hermione asked.

"The cellar of course." I grinned sheepishly. "When my uncle lived here, his friends put up wards to prevent him from breaking through. But, I think I have enough control. I have been drinking Wolfsbane for years."

"If you think so. While you are your other form, Harry and I will continue researching." Hermione explained.

I groaned, "I hope we can figure this out."

"We will, I know we can." Hermione reassured me.

I groaned, "im going to bed. I need sleep." A couple had met me somehow.

"Emma," they said.

I turned to find myself looking at a woman with red hair and green eyes and a man with black untidy hair and hazel eyes. Something about them seems familiar. "Do I know you?"

"No, we have never met." The woman replied.

"We are Harrys parents." The man grinned.

My jaw dropped, "Am I in danger?"

This caused the Potters to look at me strangely. "Why would you think that?"

"Because you're here!" I scoffed

Lily chuckled, "Emma, you are fine."

"More than fine, actually. You are growing into your gift." James smiled.

"What gift?"

"A gift that is very rare. You can communicate with the dead when you sleep. You see, we didnt come to you, you summoned us." Lily stated.


"You were born with the gift." Lily answered simply.

"But how did I summon you? I-" I sputtered.

"You needed advice yes? We are here to give it to you." Lily smiled.

I sighed, "ok fine. I do need some. How are we to destroy the Horcruxes?"

"The answer to that is in you past Emma. How did you destroy the basilisk and Toms diary?" James asked.

"With the Sword of Gryffin....uh-oh. Is that one of the ways?" I groaned.

"Yes or a basilisk fang or cursed fire." James replied.

I groaned, "should I tell Harry about meeting you two?"

"Your choice Emma." Lily replied.

"Thanks for the advice. You look a lot like the old me." I smiled at Lily.

"Potters and their redheads." Lily shook her head fondly.

"Emma, its time to wake up." A voice said in my ear.

"No, sleeping still." I moaned.

"Hermione is making pancakes." The voice replied.

"Ill be seeing you soon." I held out my hand, but the Potters hugged me.

"Take good care of our son."

"You know I will." I smiled opening my eyes to meet Harrys green ones.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Who were you talking to?" Harry asked

"Excuse me?"

"You were talking in your sleep." Harry replied.

"Dont know what you heard, I just had a very informative dream." I replied.


"We need to find the Sword of Gryffindor." I stated.

"Where did you get that idea?" Harry asked.

"How did you destroy the diary? You stabbed it with the basilisk fang!" I exclaimed.

"Yea but...."

"But nothing. We need the sword, but where could it be?" I wondered.

"Lets ask Dad, and Uncle Remus." Harry suggested.

"Is it safe to communicate with them? We are being watched right know. Wait, I have an idea." I summoned my old Phinoex patronus.

"Is that Emilys patronus?"

I nodded once. "Emmas is the jack russell terrier. I just need to be in the mindframe of whoever for my patronus to change."

"Huh, thats interesting." Harry replied.

"Breakfast is ready everybody!" Hermione called from below.

While Harry went downstairs, I relayed my message and sent off my bird. Summoning Fawkes, I gave him a note to give to Snape.

Then I joined Harry and Hermione.



Snape groaned as soon as he was alone. "The Carrows will never listen to me!"

"Calm yourself." Dumbledores portrait replied.

"Thats easy for you to say, you're already dead!" Snape hissed.

Suddenly Fawkes appeared. Raising an eyebrow, Snape took the note and read it.

"What in Merlin! Bring Emma Potter here, now please." Snape demanded.

The loyal bird vanished.


"Excuse me a moment." I said when I caught sight of Fawkes. Walking up to the bird, I took hold of Fawkes and found myself traveling.

"Explain this!" Snape hissed the moment I landed.

"The Sword is needed to defeat the Dark Lord." I answered.

Snape sighed summoning it to him. "Fine, i will hand it off when the time is right."

"Ok. Do you want me to stay and help?" I asked.

"Please if you could, go and keep a lookout for your sister and her friends. Miss Weasley is already causing the Carrows trouble. They will not hesitate to curse her." Snape looked unnerved.

"Will do sir. Then I will return home."

replied putting a spell on myself.

I walked through the castle looking for Ginny. I finally found her cornered by the Carrows. As they casted a curse, I had deflected it from my sister. Ginny looked up surprised, but ran off towards the Tower.

I silently returned to Snapes office, but I caught sight of Remus looking worn out.

"No word from them?" McGonagall asked Remus

My uncle shook his head. "Nothing. We know they arent dead. The Death Eaters would love to spread that news."

"Very true, as you were Remus."

"Ready to leave?" Snape asked when I came in. 

"Send me word ok Snape?"

"You know I will, Lupin. Good luck." Snape winked before I returned home.

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