Chapter 45: Rewarded

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I stood smiling up on the podium next to Harry. We were up by the teachers table in the great hall aboit a week after the Triwizard Tournament had completed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Lupin and Mr. Potter not only get 1,000 galleons each, they get a medal of honor from the Auror department. A week ago, I was told of a plot to bring back You-Know-Who. This pair stopped his plan. Congragulations you two!" Fudge announced.

"You did it Emily. How did you do it?" Harry asked

I opened my mouth to reply when I saw a wand pointing straight at Harry. Silently, the unknown wand went flying to me. I caught it.

"Moody?!" I asked stunned.

The crowd gasped as one, and then I casted a spell to undo any and all magical concealments.

I heard Harry gasp as the man in front of us morphed into someone else. "Thats the man I saw in my dream! The one with Voldemort!" Harry whispered quickly.

"Barty Crouch Jr." Snape sneered.

The man looked awful. Fudge was still sputtering but quickly pulled himself together. "Aurors, take him to a private room."

Dumbledore stepped forward. "Let us not worry about Barty Crouch for now. Harry and Emily, enjoy yourselves." He then strode after Fudge.

I came down to join the party happening. "Fred, George, can I talk to you a moment?"

The twins sent me confused looks. Harry appaently came to join me. I held out my winners drawstring bag and Harry did the same. "Take it." We said in unison.

We glanced and smiled at one another.

"They're mental." The twins chourased.

I only smiled and brought out my wand. "I dont need it. The reward for capturing and recapturing Peter will have me set for life. I want to help, so take the money and create some amazing products."

"Emilys right, we'll probably need more laughs in the future." Harry advised.

"That is amazing, thanks you two." Fred smiled.

"Hey your little sis wants to help you." I whispered.

"As a sibling should." Harry chuckled

The twins wore looks of shock. "Did you..."

"..tell him who you were?" George finished.

"I did and Ive never been so happy." I grinned.

My older brothers brought me in for a hug. "Thanks, Emma." They whispered.

"Oi! Leave Emily alone!" A voivlce from behind shouted. I turned to find Ron with a dark look on his face.

"Why on earth should they?" I replied yanking Rons arm and draging him to a random classroom.

"Whoa, Emily..."

"No. Just shut your mouth and listen. We are friends and that is all we are ever going to be. I took you to the Yule Ball because I tjought you'd have a better time with the girl you fancy than a random one. That is it, you are my best friend and that is all I see you as. Im sorry Ron. If you cant acept that, Im afraid our friendship has run its course. It makes me sad if thats the case." I stated firmly.

"So I can only be in your life as your best friend?"

"Yes. You can see Im dating Harry, and as I told Ginny, it is very serious. The choice is yours. Tell me when you've decided." I replied before returning to my brothers and boyfriend.


"Emily, we need to get going."

"Where?" I asked a few days after the train took everyone home.

"Headquarters. Ill explain when we get there. Take this and read it." Remus shoved a piece of parchment into my hands.

Headquarters of the Order of the Phineox may be found at #12 Grimmauld Place.

The handwritting was Sirius' for some reason. "Are we apperating there?"

Remus nodded his head. "Get packing. We'll be returning a week before summers over."

I waved my wand as my trunk packed itself. Then taking my trunk, I took Remus' hand and we left.

I saw we appeared on a street called Grimmauld. Then I saw #11 and #13. Number 12 had to be magically concealed. Remus waved his wand and the mysterious 12th residence appeared.


Raising my eyebrows, I went into the building.

"Emily, Remus!" Mum exclaimed pulling me into an unwanted hug.

I laughed and awkwardly took her arms off me. My eyes found Harry waving at me. "Thanks Mrs. Weasley. Harry!" I flew into his outstretched arms and snogged him silly.

Mum cleared her throat but I paid no attention.

Are you ok? Harrys mental voice asked.

I nodded quickly when no one else saw. I am. "Mrs. Weasley with all due respect, Harry and I are more than allowed to snog wherever we see fit."

Then Harry pulled me in again and we walked somewhere more private.
To my surprise, I began to shake.

"Emily, everything is ok." Harry soothed hugging me tightly. We sat down on the bed.

"Im sorry, I didnt think she could stll affect me, but apparently she can." I released a shaky breath.

"Shush. Its fine."

"When sid you start calling Sirius, Dad?" I suddenly remembered.

"I only call him that in private. I mean he saved me from my abusive realtives. He raised me well. Its the least I could do." Harry shrugged.

"Where are we?"

"Dad owns this house. Hed come stay here during the summers, but he hated it here. Apparently he volunteered the house as HQ. The Order of the Phoenix olis a rebel group between the Minustry and Voldemort supporters." Harry explained.

"Is this where you'll be staying?" I asked.

Harry shook his head. "Dad and I are going home to Black Manor. I doubt Remus will let you..."

The door opened and Remus was standing there looking amused. "Emily, you are more than welcome to stay with Harry this summer."


"Yes. Harry told Sirius about your bond here. And as such soul bonds, the longest you can be away is 24 hours before weakness with eaither person begins to show." Remus smiled.


"Least I could do for the girl who stoppped Voldemort." Remus smiled.

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