Chapter 4 : A New Friend & Old Family

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When I fell asleep in Remus' house, it was the best sleep I had since being bitten. Remus smiled when I came down the stairs.

"I know you've been lonely Emily, so my friend Sirius is bringing over his godson, Harry Potter." Remus explained.

I grinned, I vould just see Ginny swooning for him. She'd never shut up about the poor orphan.

I was just finishing up when the Floo flared to life. Out stepped a skinny black haired boy about my age. He looked similiar to my state, too short and skinny for his age. Behind him appeared a black haired man with kind grey eyes.

"Hello." I smiled.

Harry didnt even look at me. Thats when I got it, he just came from a similar experience like me. I reached out to touch his hand, but he jerked away.

"Its ok, Harry." I whispered. I could tell the adults were watching us closely.

Slowly Harry lifted his head. The only reason Im better than Harry is because my abuse only lasted a year. Harrys Im willing to bet was since he was dumped eith the Muggles.

"Want to go upstairs to my room?" I aaked shyly.

Harry nodded his face liting up. "Id like that."

I threw Remus and I think Sirius a smile and lead Harry upstairs.


"Ok Moony spill, who is that girl?" Sirius was curious how a brown haired child ended up in care of his best friend.

"Her name is Emily Lupin. Shes my long lost niece." Remus answered.

Sirius frowned, "you're lying, I can smell it on you."

"I can't tell you! How I got her doesnt matter. She's my kid now. Her mother abused her badly because she's" Remus mumbled.

"What?! How could the Ministry allow this?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"They have no idea Im a werewolf Paddy. All they know is that I have experience with them. So they let me adopt Emily." Remus answered.

Sirius whistled. "Who bit her?"

Remus glared at Sirius making) him look like a punished dog. "That doesnt matter Sirius."

"Ah I see."


Emma's POV

"You have a lot of books." Harry spoke at last.

I smiled, "Reading was the only thing I could do between doing chores for my family. What about you?"

"Sleeping was my pasttime." Harry mumbled.

"I can understand that. So, did Sirius tell you about magic?" I asked

"Yeah, its exciting isnt it?" Harry asked.

"I cant wait to go to Hogwarts! I hope to see my siblings there." I mused.

"You have brothers and sisters?" Harry asked wide eyed.

"Yes, but I've never met them. I hope to at Hogwarts." I replied. I wanted to know everyone so badly, but Mum always convinced me that I would hurt them, so I stayed away.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now