Chapter 71: Memory Hopping

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My whole family continued to stare at me in awe.

"Wow for a big family, you sure forgotten how to speak." I laughed.

"This is no laughing matter!" Ginny snapped.

"Of course not. You and Ron almost died, not knowing the truth. Do not forget Ginny, I saved your life when you were 12, Harry saved Dad last year and you two this year. I didnt have to tell any of you." I growled.

"Thats bull! Why did you stay away?" Ron snarled.

"Do not forget today might have been your last Ronald. Ive remained hidden in case Dad wanted to fight Uncle Remus for costody. Now that Im 17, Im in charge of my life. I told you Ron about my mother, but I never told you that its yours too." I stated.

"Emma? Is that really you?" Bill asked stepping closer.

I nodded, "yes, its me." I waved my wand to let  Bill and Charlie to my side. I waved my wand again to return to Emily Lupins appearance.

"Why are you keeping up the Lupin appearance?" Bill asked.

"Emma Weasley is who I left behind. Emily Lupin lives on." I replied.

"You are the worst sister ever!" Ginny yelled.

I flicked my wand to enact privacy wards. "Excuse me? I ran away from home at 7, saved your life when Voldemort targeted you, and this is how you repay me? I told you Ron and I could never be a couple and this is why; we are family Ginerva! Blood related siblings, and what Harry and I have is beyond just marriage. I stepped aside for you once Ginny, when I left home. Im not letting you get my husband. We are soul bonded, have been since 14. Face it, you fell in love with the celebrity, I fell for the person."

"Emma's right Ginny. My dear, can you ever forgive me?" Mum cried reaching out for me.

I started crying too. "I already did. We all have a lot to catch up on."

After Mums heartfelt apology, I was so grateful to spend the next few hours chatting with my family as me.


Can you acept this Ron?" Mum asked.

"I have no choice, bloody hell Emma." My twin breathed.

"The only people who knew were the twins, Harry and Hermione." I admitted.

"So you wrnt to live with Remus then?" Dad asked.

"Yes hes been good to me."

"Im so glad. Harry, your now a part of the family." Dad replied smiling at my husband.

"Yes Mr. Weasley."

"You can call us whatever you want." Dad stated.

We would have stayed chatting if Madam Pomfrey hadnt kicked us out.
"Family only!"

Harry and I turned to go. "Emily, you are more than welcome to stay." Mum called.

"Its ok. Ron and Ginny wont forgive me overnight and Im fine with that. But thanks Mrs. Weasley." I winked at her.

"We havde another lesson with Dumbledore tomorrow night." Harry samtated when we were walking back to ihr room.

"Did you get the real memory from Slughorn yet?"

"Umm...not yet. Ive tried 56 times. Im so unlucky!" Harry moaned.

I gasped, "take my luck potion!"


"The luck potion I won in Snapes first class this year! I wont need it...yet that is."

"I dont know." Harry hesitated.

"What is more important than that memory?" I demanded.

Harry sighed, "youre right. Ill take it. Thanks Emma."

When we came into our room, I went straight to my trunk and measured out the gold liquid.  "No problem. Now, just a teaspoon will do."

Harry drank it and shook his head. "I can do this. See you later Emma, dont wait up."

"Emma!" A voice hissed what felt like seconds later.

I opened my eyes to find Harry by my side. "Yes?"

"I got the memory." 

"I knew you could! Now lets get back to bed." I whispered.


"Enter." Dumbledore announced.

We came in together. "Sir, Ive got the memory."

His face broke into a smile, "i knew you could! Before we view it, I want you both to see these other two." Dumbledore went on to say Riddle took up a job in a storefront for Dark objects. Although he was anything but an assistant. 

We dived into a memory of a woman who held a big collection of treasures.

Then Voldemort had appeared at the door. We gasped at his appearance, he wasnt like Riddle or Voldemort, a weird mix in between.

The woman was so taken with Riddle she ended up showing him a golden cup with two handles.

"Hufflepuffs cup!" I gasped.

The witch took back the cup and then showed Riddle Slytherins locket.

"She died two days after that scene took place." Dumbledore stated.

"No way but how?"

"House elf was framed, Voldemort no doubt stole the locket and cup." I hiffed.

"Emma is catching on. Now the last memory is mine." Dumbledore switched out the memories.

When we came into the memory, it showed a younger Dumbledore and when Riddle came in. I knew, it was an interview for the DADA position that Dumbledore previously mentioned.

Not long after the greetings were made did Dumbledore say that Voldemort didnt want the job as a teacher.

Voldemort stood up, the air turned cold and he left not long after.

"Why did he come back? Did you ever find out why?" Harry asked.

The old man smiled, "we shall see, the memory please?"

We came back into the DADA room with Riddle and Slughorn. This time, we heard the full interview on Horvruxes. Being an inanimate object to store a piece of a wizards soul in case if their body was ever attacked or destroyed, that wizard could not die.

Riddle asked how to create a horcrux.

"Murder, Tom and few would want to exist it." Sluhorn shuddred slightly.

Ruddles hunger was obvious. "Sir can you split your soul more than once? Isnt 7 the most magical number one could-"

"Merlin Tom! As if it isnt bad enough to murder one person! Keep quiet about this. Its a banned subject at Hogwarts and Dumbledore is very fierce about it."

We came out where Dumbledore looked very eager. "Good work you two, Ive waited for this confirmation fir a long time." 

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