Chapter 66: Unbreakable Vow

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"Emma!" Harry cried the minute I entered Remus' odfice. He threw his arms around me.

"Relax Harry, Im ok." I reassured him by kissing him softly.

"What happened? I heard rumors that Ron almost killed you!" Remus growled.

I broke apart from Harry and turned to my uncle. "He did, but I refuse for him to get punished. Hes jealous Remus, of me, Harry, everyone."

Remus growled, "He should at least have detention with me for the rest of the year! No one can hurt my cub and not get away with it."

"Remus, he tried a handwritten spell. He didnt know what it would do. I know its your wolf instincts to avenge me, but Im fine. All thanks to Snape." I smiled slighy.

"What did he do?" Harry demanded.

"He saved my life Harry! He was one of the few who knew the counter curse to Rons curse on me. You complain of Snapes vendetta with you, now its your turn to let it go." I warned.

Harru sighed, "Sorry Emma."

"Your forgiven."


"Mr. Weasley, Miss Lupin please stay after." McGonagall called after our next transfiguration lesson.

"Yes Professor?"

"Professor Snape told me of youemr confession Miss Lupin. That Mr. Weasley cursed you to almost death. We are granting your wish that Mr. Weasley not be expelled, but you will be facing detention with Professor Lupin every Saturday for the rest of the year." McGonagall stated.

"But Quidditch!"

"Mr. Potter will need to replace you. If Miss Lupin did not survive or step in, you would have been expelled. Keep that in thought if you ever plan to do something as stupid again." McGonagall survayed Ron seriously before dismissing the pair of us.

I left at once, I needed some air. Luckily for me, the holidays are coming up. "Emily!"

I turned to find Hermione running up to me. "Yes?"

"Sluggorn has recruited me to see when you and Harry are free so he can throw his holiday party." Hermione stated.

I groaned, "He doesnt give up! I know Dumbledore asked us, but it should just be Harry. Hes the Chosen One, not me!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "you cant keep running from Ginny all the time."

"Your right. Lets find Harry so we can speak with Slughorn." I walked off to our room. After confirming a date with Slughorn, Harry made a big deal in the courtyard about asking me to the party.

"Of course I will accompany you, my love." I pecked him quickly, but we still got a few wolf whistles.

"Despite you taking Emily here, you should still be careful." Hermione stated.

"Let me guess Love potions?" I asked flatly.

Hermione nodded.

"Oh come on! No one would be stupid enough to get love potions. Our mail is checked and everything." I protested as we walked to the library.

"The WWW products have them disguised perfumes and cough syrup. Its part pf their Owl Order Service." Hermione explained.

"That means Malfoy could..."

I groaned, "please drop it Harry. Malfoy is not that stupid." I then saw a head of blonde hair. "Excuse me."

Malfoy was at an empty table. "Hey."


"Going to the party with Potter eh?"

"I am engaged to him. You'd better be careful." I whispered

"Im so scared of Potter. Dont get your wand in a knot Lupin. I have it all under control." Malfoy winked at me.

"I hope so." I mumbled.

The days passed by quickly as snow began to fall upon the grounds. Slughorns party had arrived and Harry and I made our way there.

The party was fun, despite Ginnys attendence. Luckily for me, she hadnt spoken a word to me. I was in deep conversation with Professor Sprout and the creator of the Wolfsbane potion when Filch xame in holding Malfoy by the collar of his robes.

"He claims he was invited. Did you give him an invitation?" Filch growled.

"I want to gatecrash, I wasnt invited!" Malfoy exclsimed.

"Mr. Flich its fine. Come in Draco, no harm in wanting to party. We'll forget any punishment." Slughorn said joyfully missing the miserable look in the boys eye.

"Id like a word Draco." Snape said suddenly.

"Dont be too hard, its the holid-" Slughorn began.

"Im his Head of House. Follow me Draco." Snape lead the boy to the hallway. He then caught my eye and jerked his head. He wanted me to follow.

"Excuse me Harry, its getting a bit hot." I stated before leaving the room too.

"You cant afford mistakes Draco." Snape said when I approched them.

"Quiet you two." I warned closing my eyes. I tapped into the bond with Harry and I could sense him near. "Muffilato! Now you can talk freely. Harry could have heard us!"

Snale looked ready to loose it. "Lupin, Draco may need more help than just you deflecting suspicion."

I took a deep breath, "whatever Draco needs. But I will not aid in direct killing. You hear? I know about the cabinet."

Malfoy gasped. "Then you know the hard task I have."

"What cabinet?" Snape asked.

"Vanishing cabinet. The one here is broken and Draco is working to fix it." I explained.

Malfoy sent me a glare. "I didnt want you to know godfather."

"And why not?"

"I don't need you to steal my glory!" Malfoy sneered.

"Draco, stop talking. This is beyond either of us." I whipered

"Im sorry." Draco whispered, "that was out of line."

Snape took a deep breath, "You know I am here to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you. I took the Unbreakable Vow."

"You will have to break it, I dont need your protection! I have enough help there is!" Draco shouted before running off.

I sighed, "I better go or Harry...."

"Will get suspicious. I agree Lupin, and thanks" Snape nodded in respect before I came back to Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I folded my arms.

"Eavesdropping." Harry looked guilty.

"I love your determination, but you are searching for something that isnt there. Come on, lets return to the party." I sighed in relief when Harry let me lead him back.

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