Chapter 30: First DADA Lesson

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As soon as dinner was done, Hermione dragged me into the closest unused classroom. "I cant believe you had a time turner for years!"

"Remember what you felt when you became me?" I asked.

"Yes, a bit too well." Hermione mumbled.

"Its hard to concentrate on anything even school if you felt like that all the time. Thats why I have my time turner." I explained.

"I see. So, will you help me? I chose all the electives last term. We can keep each others secrets. Mine that I have a time turner and you- who and what you are." Hermione stated.

"We will also make excuses for each other if nedded?" I held out my hand.

"Deal." Hermione shook my hand.

When we got in, my twin bothers tackled me. "Emily! Its about time we saw you!"

I laughed, "hi boys."

Hermione went to join Harry and Ron while I stayed came up to Fred and George.

"By the way, we never did thank you for saving Ginny's life last term." Fred stated.

"Please, it was no big deal, Mum already made me an outcast. At least Emily is a hero, despite Emma being a monster." I whispered.

"Emily, you are not a monster. We heard Dad called off his search for Emma Weasley, so you can breath easier now." George stated.

"Oh, thank Merlin!" I sighed in relief. "But can you tell me why?"

"Apparently he doesnt have the clearance." Fred shrugged.

"Its for the best, boys. When I turn 17 is when I will reveal myself." I stated.

"Really? Why 17?" Fred looked confused.

"So there is no way Mum can force me to come back home." I replied in a heavy tone.

"Your mum?" Ron turned to me with wide eyes.

"Yes, my mum wasnt fit to be a mother. So I went under the care of her brother, the new DADA professor." I sent my older brothers a warning glare.

The twins only saluted me in reply. "See ya around, Emily."

The next morning, my three friends went off to Divination, while I went to Ancient Runes. Unsurprisingly, Hermione sat next to me.

"You're doing this class first eh?" I whispered.

"Yes, now shush!" Hermione hissed.

When the bell rang, Hermione disappeared only to reappear moments later next to my twin and boyfriend.

Together, we all went to Care of Magical Creatures. To my disappointmemt, Hagrids first lesson was a flop. Thanks to the prat Malfoy, the git manged to get his arm slashed by the hippogriff Hagrid was showing our class.

"I do hope hes alright!" A mindless Slytherin gasped running after the boys faked screams.

Silently, we made our way up to Remus' class. This I was very excited about. When we came in, there was a large wardrobe at the front of the room.

"Books away please and wands out. This will be a practical lesson." Remus announced walking into the room.

I raised my eyebrows at my uncle, what was he thinking?

Remus flicked his wand, clearing the middle of the room. The desks and chairs stacked themselves along the sides of the classroom.

Suddenly, the wardrobe shook violently. Many people around me jumped.

"No need to worry, there is nothing in there, but a boggart." Remus stated

My insides turned to lead. No, he cant make me! I wont face my mother, especially in front of my twin.

I spaced out while Remus spouted facts on the boggart and how to get rid of it. He already taught me how wgen I accidentally stumbled across one growing up.

"May I have a volunteer?" Remus asked.

No ond moved, me along with them. I hoped to Merlin that Remus wouldnt pick me.


My head whipped towards the boy. He looked bloody terrified.

Neville nodded reluctantly.

"Good boy! Now think of your greatest fear, then think of a way to make it funny. Picture it in your mind and say the spell." Remus encouraged.

Neville grunted in reply, gripping his wand tightly. "Im ready."

"Move back class." Remus instructed before releasing the lock on the wardrobe.

When it opened, a high pitched cackle was released. Out came a tall woman witg long curly black hair and heavy eyelids, Bellatrix Lestrange. I felt the class stiffen as one, a few gasps broke out and whispering began.

"Aww Nevie!! Ready to join Mummy and Daddy?" The woman cackled.

"Shut up!" Nevilles hand shook.

"Do you visit Mummy and Daddy often? Hoping that someday they recognise you? Its all in vain!" Bellatrix cackled.

"Neville, just concentrate, and remember the spell." Uncle Remus said in a calm tone.

"Riddiculus!" Neville screamed

Bellatrix's long black hair turned blonde and her black outfit changed from black to bright pink. She turned from the most feared Death Eater to a life sized Barbie doll.

We all realeased a loud laugh before she disappeared.

"Now make a line!" Remus announced.

The whole class clamored to get in line. I kept towards the back. No way am I going to face my fears.

I was so thankful when class ended by Remus facing his fear, the full moon.

"Class dissmissed! Emily, could you hold back a second?" Remus asked

I waited till everyone was out.

"I'll have you battle the boggart this weekend. Just us." Remus smiled.


I quickly left after that. I joined my boyfriend who was sulking.

"Ok, whats going on?" I asked making Harry jump.

"Why didnt he let me face the boggart?" Harry moaned.

"Cheer up, I didnt face it." Hermione added.

"Me either."

"No, its different. Professor Lupin stopped me from battling the boggart." Harry moaned.

"Why dont you ask him about it?" I sighed.

"Maybe I will." Harry replied.


The rest of my classes were the same, Tansfiguration was getting tricky, but I was able to manage. Potions as dreadful as ever, but Snape stays out of my way. He sets his eyes on Harry and Neville

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