Chapter 17: Beyond Fluffy

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I was finishing up a potions essay when Harry and my brother came into the room.

"Whats wrong?"

"Snapes getting the Stone, tonight!" Harry panted.

"Wait, why are you acusing Snape again?" I yawned

"Blimey! I forgot to tell you. When Ron saw those wolves, I encountered Voldemort drinking a dead unicorn. Thats what our detention was, to find the poor dead creature." Harry shook his head.

"You haven't said much about the wolves Ron, whats wrong?" Hermione asked

"Nothing, its just...Dad told me that werewolves have no control and can kill anyone who gets in their way. Nut the small red wolf I saw, she seemed, tame. Maybe Im going mad, but I know ot sniffed my hand and licked it. Like, it knew who I was." Ron whispered

I was mentally chastising myself. I never knew my twin bond could make me tame around Ron.

"So, about the Stone, when are we going to get it?" I asked pulling everyone out of tgeir reverie.

"Tonight, after dinner." Harry replied.


"Quickly now!" Hermione hissed as we snuck past the portrait.

We made our way to the three headed menance. "Allow me." I said pulling out a pan flute. "Hermione told me the dog falls asleep to music."

Within seconds, the dog was asleep. With Rons help, we pushed the dogs paw off the trap door.

"Ugh...I dont know about this." I said as I peered into the hole.

"Lumos!"  Hermione cried.

"I know a spell to cushion your fall. My uncle taught it to me."

"What is it?"

"Arresto monentum." I said feeling a bit uneasy. I tapped into my wolf night vision and groaned.


"Just brace yourself, and whatever you do, relax." I replied as I jumped down.

As predicted, I landed on Devils Snare. I breathed deeply and I didnt get a chance to see Ron or Hermione.

"Relax!" You have to relax, or it'll ki.."

"Dont say another word Hermione!" I growled then adressed my twin, 
"Ron, just breathe and relax.  Everything will fine."

Seconds later, Hermione slipped through. "Emily!"

Ron then Harry followed suit.

"Thanks girls, we owe you there." Ron laughed sheepishly.

I smiled but followed Harry to the next chamber.

When we came into the next room it was full of keys. "I can try and freeze them."

"I can fly up and get the right one, but thanks Emily." Harry beamed at me.

I looked at Harry strangely and groaned. I hope Harry does not fancy me. Ginny will be heartbroken.

After 5 minutes, we moved obto the next room. "Let me guess, we have to play our way across?" When I saw we were on a giant chess board.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now