Chapter 63: Riddles Begining

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Im doing a LOT of summerizing in this memory. Read the 6th book for the description.

"Are you ready?" I asked Harry.

"Yes, but is he even here?" Harry asked before we set off for Dumbledores office.

"Hello Emma, Harry." The old man smiled. He looked unusually  tired

"Hello Sir."

"You two have had a busy time. I hear you, Emma witnessed the almost attack on Katie Bell." Dumbledore stated.

"Yes sir. Is she better?"

"Shaken up, but safe thanks to your quick wand work." Dumbledore smiled.

"Where were you this week?" Harry asked and I wanted nothing more than to slap him. 

"I would rather not say right now." The old man replied. "But I do an to tell you both in due course."

"You will?" I asked startled.

"Yes, I expect so." Dumbledore withdrew a vial of memories from his robes.

"Professor, did Professor McGonagall tell you what I told her? About Draco Malfoy?"

"I habe heard your suspicions, yes."


"I will investigate further to who is behind the near attempt on Katies life. What we nedd to focus on now, is our lesson." Dumbledore stated.

I gripped Harrys hand to cool him down. Since our bond is growing stronger, I felt the intensity of his resentment.

Dumbledore then summarised what we last witnessed and expkained that Merope was forced to sell Slytherins gold locket to Burke, who only offered the poor woman ten galleons.

"Merope was a witch, she could do magic!" Harry protested.

"I bet she didnt want to be a witch anymore." I mumbled.

"I guessed as much. The despair of losing her husband zapped her of her powers. That can happen." Dumbledore replied.

She wouldnt stay alive for her son?" I asked surprised.

"Are you feeling sorry for Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.

I thought about all the families he destroyed. "No."

"Merope had a choice, not like my mother." Harry explained

"Your mother had a choice too. But Merope Riddle chose death instead of her son. She was weakened by long suffering. Now please stand."

"Where are we going?" I asked gripping Harrys hand.

"We are going to enter my memory." Dumbledore answered.

We dove into the pensieve and watched as Dumbledore entered an orphanage.

The two of us watched while the director Mrs. Cole began her chat with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore explained about Toms future and a place at Hogwarts. Mrs. Cole began to question him deeply anout the place.

Dumbledore enchanted a piece of paper. Mrs. Cole deemed it acceptable and offered the old man a drink. In turn the conversation turned to Toms history.

"We took her in. She hsmad the baby within the hour. An hour later she was dead. All she said was he was to be named Tom after his father abd Marvolo after her father. And sbe said his surname was to be Riddle. We named him exactly as she said but no one came to claim the lad." Mrs. Cole explained.

She then aent on to tell about the magical incidents that haplen with young wizards. They were small but mean instances of bullying towards the other kids. Tom apparently was a bully.

Harry and I watched as Dumbledore was then lead to the boys room. At first, he seemed unconvinced about Hogwarts. Until the old man said it was a school for magival people.

Riddle was stunned into silence. He then tomd Dumbledore about his abilities and it made me shiver.

Riddle acepted the invitation at once to Hogwarts and Dumbledore indulged him in magic by lighting the wardrobe on fire.

Dumbledore told him to open the door and I saw a box of little trinkets.

"You will return these items to their owners with your apologies. And be warned, theiving is not tolerated at Hogwarts. We not only teach you magic, but how to control it. By acepting our world, you need to accept our rules." Dumbledore explained.

Riddle nodded.

The old man then explained how yo get to Diagon Ally.

"Do you not like the name Tom?"

"There are a lot of Toms." Riddle replied.

"I will see you at Hogwarts."

Harry and I floated out of the pensieve, "sit down."

"Id like to draw your attention to three things. Did you notice how Tom reacted to another sharing his nane?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, he wanted to be different, even then." I commented.

"Yes, he refused any companipnship to Diagon Alley. The adult Volddemort is the same. Never needed or wanted a friend." Dumbledore explained.

"What about his collection of stolen items?" I asked

"Very observant Emma." I scowled at the ude of my former name.

"Riddle liked to collect trophies or souviners if you will." Dumbledore concluded just as the clock struck 11. "It is time for bed."

Harry and I got up, but,

"Emma, could you hold back a monent?"

Harry sent me a puzzed look, but I shrugged but sat back in the chair.

"Yes Sir?"

"Severus told me that you are aware of Mr. Malfoys plans to murder me." The old man stated.

My jaw dropped, "you know?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I do, and I know the offer you gave to Severus and Draco. Are you willing to lie to Harry to keep Draco safe?"

"I want to do what is right and not whats easy, Professor." I replied.

"Ok. Good luck Emma."

"Emily Professor." I corrected.

"If you ever feel you cant do it, the memory erasing spell is there for you." Dumbledore stated

I shook my head, "that wont be needed. I left my family at 7 to grow up beside them. I can handle this secret."

"Good night Emily."

I was about to leave when I saw a new ring perched on the entrance table. "That is a nice ring Sir."

"Thank you. I just got it from my travels."

"Goodnight Professor."

When I returned to my room with Harry, I was surprised again. "Emma?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Id like to make us offical." Harry stated.

I snorted, "we are offical, we're married!"

"I mean for the school to know. That way Ron and Ginny can stop sending you death glares. They will have to acept us together." Harry replied.

"We cant just get married, no one has seen you propose yet." I stated turning to face him.

"I got an interesting proposal in mind." Harry smirked.

"Ok. Goodnight Harry."

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now