Chapter 35: Happiest of Memories

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"Im so glad to hear you will tell me about your past someday." Harry smiled.

"You are one of my best friends, but Im not at that point to talking about it yet, Im sorry."

"Dont be."

April was soon ending and with it came final exams. Every exam was easy for me, but Remus'. He made an obstacle course full of creatures we needed to avoid.

I did great until the boggart. Mum once again appeared, but this time she accused me of killing Harry. I screamed bloody murder.

"Emily, are you ok?" Remus asked from outside.

"I will be." I replied shakily. I took a deep breath then cast the spell. I allowed myself one harty laugh before the boggart disappeared.

I stepped out no doubt looking like hell. Remus looked ready to call off the exams, but I shook my head and walked off.

"Emily, Emily! Wait up!" Someone called from behind.

I turned to find Harry on my heels. I smiled, "finished already?"

"I went before you, Lupin called us by order of our last name." Harrys look of concern only deepened.

I laughed nervously, my mind still on Mum. "Look, I'll see you later."

I went to the library to read, but Mums furious face prevented me from concentrating.

I pushed Mum away and thought of my happiest times with Ron before I was bitten. Out of wand bloomed a silver jack rusell terrier. I grinned, I had cast my own patronus at 13!

"Emily?" A voice drew me from my thoughts. I turned to find my twin brothers looking at me.

"What is it?" I smiled.

"Lupins test. Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Took your advice, turned that bitch into a clown." I glanced around to be sure no one was listening.

"Nice job. She looks terrible as one, mind you." Fred snickered.

I blushed, "I only got rid of her after screaming bloody murder."

"Fears are real and everyone has them." George added.

"So true, hi Emily." Ginny stated coming up to us.

"Hello." I glared at her slightly.

"What did we...

"Miss?" Fred asked.

"Ginny asked me to hand Harry over to her." I growled.

"Ginny, thats..." Fred began

"Crossing a line." George finished.

"She said its not happening." Ginny scowled.

"Harrys mine, Ginny. " I replied.

"Damn right I am." We turned to find Harry with his arms crossed.

"Harry..." Ginny pleaded all teary eyed.

Harry shook his head. "No Ginny, we understand each other, both of our pasts were identical."

I gasped, "no way, how did you know that?"

"I guessed." Harry shrugged.

"I uh...cast my patronus." I smiled shyly.

"No bloody...


"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Im not telling." I smiled shakimg my head. "Sorry." I read up that twins that had magic were highly likely to have the same patronus despite different upbringing. I had to wait to see Rons then lie about mine. I know my twin has never picked up a book willingly, so I have that to be thankful for. "At least, not now." I smiled.

"Thats ok, I understand." Harry replied.

The year came to a close and with it came a surprise. An owl arrived on the last day, addressed to me.

"No one sends me any mail, who could this be?" I mumbled. I opened the letter and saw Ive been awarded 50,000 galleons for the capture of mass murder Peter Pettigrew. That amount of galleons were transfered to my vault in Gringotts and I smiled. I wint be a financial burden on Uncle Remus any longer.

"Brilliant!" I grinned to myself.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, nothing much." I smiled before going to pack.

"Hey Emily," a voice called.

I turned to see Uncle Remus there. "Hey, I'll tell you about the owl privately. Ok?"

"Sure thing, but you dont need to pack. We're staying here this summer." Remus replied.

"Oh, ok then. I found out my patronus." I smiled shyly.

"Wait really?! What is it?" Remus grinned.

I waved my wand and a silver jack rusell terrier came out. "I havent told anyone my patronus yet. Its said twins aee likely to have identical patronus' and...I cant take the risk of my twin finding out."

"You have a twin?" Ron asked coming into the hall.

"Yes, but they probably forgotten all about me." I waved away his comment.

"I have a twin sister, my mum says is dead, but I know she isnt." Ron mumbled.

"And, how do you know that?" I asked. I was really hoping Ron had forgotten me.

"None of it added up, I mean mum said she was killed by a monster, but...she refused to say anything else." Ron shrugged.

"You had best get packing. My uncle got us tickets for the World Cup!" I smiled.

"Brilliant! Maybe you could stay with my family.' Ron brightened.

"Ill have to ask my uncle, but Im sure he'd be ok if I spent one night with all of you." I smiled.

I hugged Ron tightly then went off to say goodbye to Harry and Hermione.

"Bye Hermione, will I see you this summer at the World Cup?"

"Oh yes, Rons already invited me, Harry too." The brunette smiled.

"Nice. I will see you soon, Harry." I saw Hermione excused herself while I leaned in for a goodbye kiss.

When I returned to Remus' office, "Emily! Im letting you stay with the Weasleys a week before the Cup. We should be good moonwise. The full one happens two days before. I know you'd rather be with your family after those rough nights." Remus explained.

I smiled, "Thanks, Remus."

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