Chapter 34: A Prisoner Convicted

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Later that day, the twins had pulled me aside. "We think its time you got a copy of our secret." They pulled out a blank roll of parchment.

"What is this rubbish?"

The twins laughed, "Harry was the same way, remember Freddie?"

"Yes, good times. I solemonly swear Im up to no good. Sorry Emily, this is a duplicate, Harry deserces the original, ges the heir to it after all." Georgie stated.


"Son of James Potter aka Prongs, rsised by Sirius aka Padfoot and taught by Lupin aka Moony." Fred shrugged

"My uncle made this map?" I choked out.

"Yea, hes bloody brilliant. Took us forever to break the spell that bans duplicating it, but it was done. I advise you not to show Lupin this." My brothers chourased.

"Peter? He knows about the map. How do you know he hasnt told Bellatrix about it. Sorry boys, my uncle deserves a copy. Is it a normal duplicating spell?" I asked


I activated the Map and looked it pver and then I saw it, Ron, Harry Hermione and one other person. I ran straight to Remus's room.

"Please open up!" I called loudly.

Remus soghed and opened the door, "Emily! What are you doing here?"

"Quick question; what animal could Peter turn into?"

"A rat why do you..." Remus stopped as I turned away.


I found the golden trio under their usual tree. I summoned a bottle and cast several charms to stop him from escaping. I pulled some cheese out of my robes and sllilenced the area near the tree.

"Be a good rat and come to me. Come on you dispicable rat." I growled. After 4 minutes, the grey skinny think scuttled to me and into the jar.

I returned to the owlery and sent the jar with an owl and a message to Amelia Bones.


Next morning, the owls came with the Prophet;
Wormtail unregistered Animagus?

It was late yesterday when an owl came to Amelia Bones with a jar that held a small rat. Amelia found out that rat is the nortious mass murderer, Peter Pettigrew. We have Emily Lupin to thank for the brilliant capture, she will be recieving 200,000 galleons as a reward. More to come on Peter...

Hermiones head snapped up, "Emily, you're a hero!"

I scoffed, "I wouldnt call myself that."

"I would. My girlfriend is bloody brilliant!" Harry leaned in to kiss me.

"Thanks." I smiled then saw Ginnys sour expression. I quickly excused myself and made my way to her. "Is something up?"

"Are you and him serious?" Ginny croaked.

"Afraid so Ginny. But you'll find someone, I know you will." I replied before turning to leave.

"Come on Emily, cant you just step aside?" Ginny asked.

Fire rose on my eyes. "No. Not this time."

"This time?" Ginny asked.

I waved away her curiosity, "Forget it. Harrys mine, he chose me, me of all witches to be his girlfriend. I will never give up being someone's number 1 choice. My own mother forced me into servitude because I didnt belong, but when Im with Harry, I finally feel like I do."

"That is so poetic, Emily." Ginny replied.

"Harrys more than a famous boy, hes human and I love the person he is, not his status. Can you say the same?" I growled before walking to my next class.

During our free time in Charms, Harry tapped my arm. "Yes?" I turned to him.

"I overheard what you told Ginny. Was that all true? About your mother, I mean?" Harry whispered.

I couldnt stop the blush on my face. "It was true, everything I said. You do make me feel like I belong. Its a feeling so wonderful, it cant be described."

"I know the feeling, its how I feel with Dad. My family..." I stopped him.

"We should continue this in private. Dont want anyone overhearing us." I smiled.



"Peter?" A sharp voice called. Sirius didnt want to do this. He looked into one of the holding cells in the basement of the Ministry.

The short stout man cringed at how cold and unforgiving that tone sounded. He lifted his head, resisting the urge to cringe when he saw Sirius Blacks steel grey eyes trained on him.

"You owe your capture to my sons brilliant girlfriend. The Map was your undoing. Did you really think you could erase your name off of it? Once upon a time, we used to be friends, best friends. You sold that for greed and power." Sirius hissed

"Im..." The man whimpered.

"I dont want to hear your excuses." Sirius snapped. "Your trial will held in two days, then you can tell all how you escaped from Askaban and used your other form to aid you. I will tell the Wizgamont to make you drink a potion from ever transforming again."


"Goodbye, Peter."


"Are you ok?" Harry asked later that day in the library

"I will be." I sighed.

"What happened with your mum?" Harry asked.

"I wish I could tell you, but I cant. At least not now." I replied.

"You will in the future?" Harry brightened.

"Yes, eventually." I smiled. I wanted to tell Harry everything, I know hes aware of Remus' condition, but, Im still afraid of being labeled an outcast.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now