Chapter 16: Norbert

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When the next term began, my twin and his friends told ne about how Hagrid said to them about what the cerebus is hiding. We were chatting in the library.

"I couldnt find anything on Nicolas Flamel." Hermione huffed

"I know him! He is a famous philosipher. He invented the Sorcerers Stone!" I exclaimed

"A stone that can change any metal into pure gold and produces the elixar of life making the drinker immortal." Hermione recited at once.

"Oi, this ones an encyclopedia!" Ron laughed.

"Ignore him." I shot my brother a look of disgust.

"I can think of only one person wanting immortality." Harry said darkly.

"Same." I replied

"Voldemort, do you all believe hes really gone?" Harry asked us.

"I dont. The maniac must have known some tricks. When my father was alive he talked about it a little." I mumbled turning red.

"Who was your dad?" Ron asked

"Ron!" Hermione scolded.


"That is none of our business." Harry said in a low voice.

"A Muggle." I said quickly.
Hermione looked at me weirdly, but I went on. "His wifes brother was Remus. Now can you tell us more about this stone?"

"Oh, right so it says..." I began to tune them out. I hated lying, but I didnt want Dad to drag me home. I had to wait until I was of age to reveal myself.

"Thats what Fluffys guarding, the Sorcerers Stone!"  Hermione cut in.

My attention was on the half giant that came into the library. "Thats Hagrid, whats he doing here?"

The trio turned and saw Hagrid take a boon out. "Ill go see." When I returned, I felt shaky at the news. "Dragons!" I whispered.

"We have to check this out." Ron whispered.

"Have at it. I have a stack of homework due soon. Have fun." I smiled.

"Why wont you join us?" Ron whinned

"I have other things on my mind at the moment." I replied as I left the library.


"Are you mad?!" I yelled when Hermione told me Harry and my brother were put in detention.

"We didnt think they'd get into trouble." Hermione trembled.

"When and where?"

"Two nights from now, in the forest."

My stomach sank. At least, I wont be here. "You know I have to leave then right?"

Hermione nodded, "I do. Feel better Emily."

"Do you know what they are to do?" I asked as I began to pace.

"No idea. Nothing good, I bet." Hermione sighed

"It will be ok."


"Off are you?" Fred asked.

I spun on my heel. "Oh, you bloody scared me."

"Sorry. Just wanted to see you off." Fred replied

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now