Chapter 52: A Real Scare

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"Emily?" George asked coming up the stairs.

I came out of the room "yes?"

"Your thinking of telling Dad, arent you?" George asked.

I yanked his arm and pulled him into my room. After securing privacy wards, did I dare speak. "If Dad had died he never would have known the truth. I cant help but feel guilty about that."

"You dont have to. I get it though." George replied.


"Ill see you later, ok?"

"Sure thing." I smiled.


When i returned to school, the restraining orders were back in place. I was happy that both my siblings left me alone.

"Remus, Dad thinks I was there in the hospital room. Which I was, but... Why did I make this more complicated?" I groaned the night I returned.

"You want him to know without tipping your mother off, right?" Remus asked.

"Yes, but....I still cant do it." I groaned.

"Emma, this is your life and your choice. You can reveal yourself to the whole world and expose Molly for the momster she was. You can tell your family you're soul bonded to Harry and that males you a legal woman. I dont care, I only want you to be happy." Remus sighed.

"I need to think about it. OWLS are coming up in 4 months and I need to focus." I replied.

"I wanted to ask you, I thought I saw you doing wandless magic one day. Can you?" Remus asked.

I pointed my finger at his desk and turned it into a pig. Remus gasped in surprise, then with a flick, the pig became my uncles desk again.

"So that clears up one suspicion. What about nonverbal spells?"

I pulled out my wand and silently conjured my jack russell terrier. "You were saying?"

"Why have you been hiding this? You could easily have graduated from the school." Remus was beypnd shocked.

"Im still here because of Harry. Ive been getting these signs that something big is going to happen soon. I dont know how, but I know it will." I shivered.

"You will be more than prepared for it. I know you will." Remus smiled.



As time went on, I got straight Es on everything. I think Hermione was becoming suspicious, but she remained silent about it.

Harry however, despite Sirius' and Harrys hardest efforts, my husband was still being plagued by Voldemorts strong emotions.

"Hey Emily!"

I turned to find Fred coming up to me.


"George wanted me to tell you we're leaving school." Fred stated.

"What? When?!" I demanded.

"Tomorrow after dinner."

"But you'll miss graduation! Its only a few months away!" I protested.

"Liltle sis, your starting to sound like Hermione here." Fred chuckled.

"Can you do nonverbal magic at least?" I asked.

A stunning spell shot out of his hand.

"I guess so then." I smiled. "You will be missed. I will miss you, but I also know I cant do anything to stop you or our mums wrath. When you return to Diagon I suggest blocking the floo from the Burrow and Leaky Couldron in case Mum comes a-knocking."

"We'll miss you little sis. Look after Ginny for us."

"You know I will if she could acept that I belong with Harry. Shes still being a mean person to me." I commented.

"We need to chat with Ginny here. I promise not to tell her the truth, but I will see if she can be nicer to you." Fred stated.

"Unless you blackmail her, I see no other way and Im begging you not to. Emma may have left her family but I dont need my siblings at each others necks." I sighed uneasily.

"No problem."


We just came out of DADA when we heard BANG! BOOM! I grinned, Fred and Georges grand exit. They flew through the castle on their brooms, throwing balls that exploded into animated fireworks. In the staircase was a dragon, the Great Hall, an troll and lastly when I came to the courtyard, a mermaid.

The whole school came out and cheered on the twins. "Come visit us at 99 Diagon Alley, Weasley Wizard Wheezes!"

Throwing one last fireball in the air, the two flew off. I was grinning in anticipation but I looked over to Harry by my side and saw him sitting with a look of shock on his face.


I knew at once what he was up to. "Harry wait up! Lets go ask Remus to check on Sirius first! Expecto Patronum!" I yelled as a jack rusell terrier exploded from my hand. "Sirius, are you ok? Harrys worried about you. Reply at once! Emily!" I told the dog who remained still staring at me. "Scoot to Black Manor, NOW!"

The dog floated out the window. I took Harrys arm and marched him to Remus' office.

When we entered, we found Sirius and Remus laughing over a game of Exploding Snap.

"You're ok!" Harry cried in relief.

Sirius chuckled when Harry launched himself at him. "Glad to see you too, pup. Whats the occasion?"

"Harry saw you in danger." I clarified.


"Department of Mysteries." We said in unison.

"I thought I told you to keep your mind closed." Sirius frowned.

"I tried, its too hard to keep up a constant shield against the strongest wizard!" Harry protested.

"Harry, what type of Occulamency are you using?" I asked.

"Emotion- based. Why?"

"What emotion do you use when making the defense?" I asked at once.

"Determination." Harry shrugged.

I smiled, "thats why you're burning out! Determination can fade. Try love as your barrier, Voldemort has never understood it and you feel it constantly."

"Nice idea, Emma." Sirius smiled

We left quickly hand in hand but from behind us, someone threw a smole bomb. I turned to find Malfoy smirking as the thing he threw made contact with us both.

Before anything else could be said, we were leaving the school.

We arrived at the Ministry, but where? We both whipped our wands out together to investigate.

"Where are we?" Harry asked.

I stood up still feeling disoriented. "Department of Mysteries."

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