Chapter 69: Slughorns Forgotten Memory

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When we returned to school, Harry and I made it obvious we were married at long last.

Most of the school minus my siblings were overjoyed. We were heading to Charms when Hermione handed us another envelope.

"Tomorrow Emma!" Harry whispered excitedly.


"I have loads to tell him." Harry stated.

"Harry, why dont you go hang out with Ron?" I asked.

"Why would I?" Harry asked

"I have some work I need to get done and besides, I bet you miss your best mate." I smiled.

Harry smiled at me, "true. Besides its healthy to have a few hours apart. How about after class till dinner we do our own thing?"

"Deal Potter." We shook on it.

"See you later." I kissed him briefly before searching out for a blonde bad boy who slithers around.

I had to be careful; word cant get out about Emily Potter looking for Draco Malfoy. After searching the library and Great Hall, I decided to try the dungeons.

"Miss Lupin?" A deep voice asked.

"Mrs. Potter now Sir." I smiled turning to Snape.

He groaned, "whatever, what are you doing down here?"

"Looking for uh..." I looked around then whispered, "Draco. Know where he is?"

Snape shook his head, "im unsure where that boy is."

"Could you do me a favor?" I asked.

Snape rolled his eyes, "I think I owe you more than one favor. You are saving my godsons hide here. What is it?"

"Tell Draco that between 3 to 7pm I'll be able to help him without my husband interfering." I stated.

"I will now go Lupin before I serve you detention." Snape sneered.

"Im off." I winked at him before making my way. I summoned the Marauders Map and proceeded to try and locate Draco on it.

However, he was no where to be located. "The ROR, he has to be there!" I gasped before making my way to the secret place.

I need to find Draco Malfoy. I thought over and over, but no door had appeared.

I swore knowibg Draco had to have closed the loopholes or else Harry could easily find him.

Then a thought occured to me. Ive been pracicing legillmency. Could I send a message to Draco? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, opened my mind to everyones in the castle.

I heard many thoughts as I "mind hopped" around. Then I caught a stray thought. Need to get this cabinet fixed soon!

Draco, its Emily, Im outside the ROR. can you let me in? Harry wont know Im with you. I sent out.

A second later, the door appeared as did Draco himself. "How did you manage that?"

"Harry and I agreed on spending time alone between the end of classes and dinner. He'll be reconnecting with Weasel while Im here to help you." I smirked.

"Brilliant, now get in." Draco yanked me inside and I gasped at the several stacks of junk in the vast room.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Room of Hidden Items." Draco replied before leading me to a covered up cabinet.

"Is that the Vanishing Cabinet?" I breathed.

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