Chapter 6: Hogwarts Express

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It was offical, I was finally off to Hogwarts. "Now Emily, I have arranged with Dumbledore to send you home every full moon to be here with me ok? He will make the excuses for you." Remus explained as I finished packing up.

"Ok thanks. Ill be keeping a savvy eye on the lunar charts myself. Thank you, and I'll owl you when I get there." I smiled.

"Oh and here in case you ever need to talk about anything, Floo powder. Toss it on and we can chat fireplace to fireplace. If you ever feel you need to come home write a letter to your head of house and leave it in the common room. They will find it, and come here." Remus said quickly.

"Remus, can you relax? I'll be fine. Trust me." I smiled reassuringly.  "If not Ill do as you suggest. I can even come up with codes so no one but my teachers will know." I took his arm as he twisted away.

"Now go on, meet up with Harry and Ron, please be cautious. Anything can push your wolf side out for others to see. So dont get mad too often ok?" Remus looked really worried.

"I'll be fine. I think I get my temper from Mum." I laughed before walking away.

I saw the Weasleys along the platform.
"Fred, George, wheres Ron?"

"We're good too Emily. He already found a compartment with Harry." The twins said in unison.

I grinned. "Thanks." Impulsively I gave my older brothers a kiss on their cheeks, causing both to blush.

I quickly found my twin and Harry. "Hello boys ok if I join you?"

"Emily! Of course!" Ron beamed scooting over. I wonder if he knew.

"So, anything new in your life?" I asked batting my lashes.

"Dad found out my twin sister Emna has actually been alive all these years! Can you believe it?" Ron asked excitedly.

"You have a twin?!" Harry asked surprised.

Ron groaned, "She according to Mum,  died when I was four by a werewolf, but I have reason to believe shes alive!"

"How can you be so sure?" Harry hesitated.

"There are spells that reveals a persons magical signature. Her makeshift bed screams Emma Weasley." Ron insisted.

I felt a bit dizzy at that info. Then again, the full moon is coming tomorrow.  I have to be sure to Floo home before the moon emerges.

"Are you ok Emily? You look a bit green." Harry commented.

"I'll be fine Harry." I grimaced.

Thankfully the door opened to a young witch with bushy brown hair. "Hello, my names Hermione. First year at Hogwarts?" She asked quickly.

I didnt trust myself to not vomit so I just nodded. Merlin, the train really does not agree with me near the full moon. Apparently my motion sickness only gets amplified.

"Oh no." I gasped.

Ron stuck his head out. "Oi! We have a sick girl in here!"

I lurched forward attempting to keep my mouth shut. Just as my mouth was to open did a trash can get shoved under me. I emptied my stomach in it and sat back exhausted.

"I will owl ahead." An older witch announced.

I fell asleep, too tired to remain awake.


When I awoke, I found myself on a bed. I opened my eyes to find myself in the hospital wing surprise, surprise. The nurse saw me and bustled over. "Ah Miss Lupin. You shouldnt have come by train. Floo would have been a better preference."

"Did I miss the Sorting?!" I asked sitting up fast.

The nurse gently pushed me down. "Easy, with the full moon two nights away. I want you to sleep here until it comes. The Headmaster will arrive to get you sorted."

I sighed, bloody full moon. "Fantastic, I hate full moons." I groaned.

I closed my eyes again and didnt open them until a deep voice caught my attention. "Miss Lupin? I know you can hear me."

I opened my eye to find Dumbledore smiling at me. "Hello Professor."

"Time to put on the Sorting Hat." He handed it to me as I placed it atop my head.

"Ahh..another Weasley." It cackled. "I see you value family above all else, you are fiercely loyal and brave. I sense a yearning to prove yourself..hmm..I think..."


I sighed in relief. Mum said all the Weasleys would end up there. I took the hat off and put it on my beside. "What about Harry? Hermione? What house are they in?"

Dumbledore smiled. "Gryffindor too, Miss Lupin. Now you had best rest. Classes begin tomorrow, so make sure you are on time."

"Thank you sir." I smiled and fell asleep.


"Miss Lupin, its time for you to get breakfast. I insist you eat and if you dont feel good at any time, I encourage you to come back here." Madam Pomfrey ordered.

"Of course." I replied.

I left at once for the Great Hall. There, Ron hugged me tightly. "I was worried about you, Emily. Feeling better?"

"Yes I am. Can someone tell me where the Common Room is and how to get in?" I asked.

"I can show you." Hermione offered.

"No thanks, Ron can show me right?" I turned to my twin.

"Uh..of course!" Ron smiled as Hermione glared at him.

"Ill be ready after I eat something. Or else Madam Pomfrey will be after my blood." I laughed lightly.

"Been there, all she says is rest will do you well. I thought I'd die of boredom in there." Harry crinkled his nose in disgust. 

"I can sympathize." I smiled.

After I cleared my plate for the third time, Ron lead me up to the Common Room. "Password is Caput Draconis. Go ahead and get your supplies, then I'll take you to Charms."

"Such a gentleman." I beamed causing my twin to blush.

I quickly grabbed my wand and bag then came back down. I yawned deeply. Ron looked at me worried.
"Im fine, just had a...rough night."

"Oh I see, come on now." Ron turned away and lead me to Charms.

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