Chapter 5: Diagon Ally

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"Remus! Todays the day Im getting my supplies!" I squealed.

"Emily, how do you have this much energy?! The full moons tonight." Remus groaned taking a pillow and placed on top of his face.

"My excitement to see my family soon is fueling me." I replied giggling lightly.

"Al-right, Im up." Remus quickly ran his hand through his hair. "Breakfast first though Emily."

I waved away his concern as I quickly heated up a breakfast burrito. "What are you having? Do you want me to make you something?"

"Some eggs would be lovely. I need to go freshen up, excuse me." Remus went into the bathroom and moments later, I could hear the shower running. I left pretty quickly.

I busied myself at the stove while Remus was getting dressed. He arrived in a white T-shirt and frayed blue jeans. "Here are the eggs. Remus, how am I to pay for my supplies? Mum and Dad wont pay for a dead girl."

Remus brought out a heavily filled sac of money. "Dumbledore gave me this, he set aside for all your 7 years of school. Hmm...I think we will be ok with 10 Galleons this year."

"Thanks Remus. Come on, lets go!"
I beamed throwing the Floo in and stepped through.

I came out on the other side to find the Weasleys paasing through. It was good to see them, but Mum was another story.

"Hello Arthur, Molly!" Remus called out.

My parents turned and smiled at Remus. "Hello Remus. Taking Emily to get her supplies?" Dad aaked

"Yeah, same with Ron?" Remus asked.

"Almost. We cant get him his own wand though," Dad blushed a deep red.

If I had stayed, I would have gotten a used wand too. We went to Florish and Blotts to get my books then seporated from the Weasleys

At last, I was getting my wand. When I came in, I heard Ollivander talking, "...did great things, terrible yes, but great." I saw the customer shiver slightly. When they turned, I was surprised to see it was Harry.

I always did have a small crush on him. If by some chance I could end up with him, maybe then Id be worthy enough to come back to my family.

"Emily hi!" Harry lit up and hugged me tight.

"Remus, I didnt know you would be here!" Sirius boomed.

"Just helping Emily get her supplies. Thus is our last stop."

"Dont let us keep you. We'll see you later." Sirius winked and walked out, Harry by his side.

"I wondered when Id be seeing you, Miss Weasley." Ollivander stated.

"Consider yourself lucky you get to see me at all." I mumbled. "How does this work exactly?"

"I give you a wand, you wave it, then we see if that wand has cosen you. If not, we'll try another one." Ollivander smiled.

"Im excited." I replied as Ollivander handed me a dark brown wand. I waved it eagerly, but it only caused a stream of fireworks. I looked down sad. "Oh, nevermind."

"That was easy! Miss Weasley, that is the wand for you!" Ollivander exclaimed.

"Ollivander, could you call my niece Lupin, please? Weasley is the name she gave up." Remus asked in a tight voice.

"Of course, Mr. Lupin, I meant no offense." Ollivander said hastily.

When we left Remus had insisted on getting me an owl. I chise a midnight blue one with bright green eyes.

"This could be useful. I wish I could tell my family about me, but who knows what Mum would do?" I sighed when we stopped to grab a snack.

"Emma, its all up to you." Remus answered. "Ready for more meat?"

"Oh yeah, Im in the mood for almost raw bloody meat, sorry Remus." I blushed.

"We both get those cravings, you dont need to apologize." Remus smiled as he bought us both bloody lambchops.

I gobbled them down, my table manners almost nonexistant as Remus was making fast progress accross from me.

"Now, where do you want to go now?" Remus asked

"Flurish and Blotts. Im like you, always wanting to read." I smiled shyly.

Remus grinned, "then lets find you some good reads, my dear."

I laughed in agreement. We emerged wirh several books in hand dedicated to potion brewing, charms, transfiguration, herbology, magical creatures, ancient runes and arithmancy.

"Amazing books Remus, thank you!" I exclaimed when we stopped for a break.

"Your welcome Emily, you deserve it." Remus grinned.

"Do we need anything else?" I asked checking my list one last time.

"We're good. Now hold on tight." Remus turned on the spot and took us joke with all of our purchases.

Sorry this chapter was shorter. Next one will plbe longer, I promise.

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