Chapter 41: The Yule Ball

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Three days before the Yule Ball, I decided to get started on the riddle. I opened it up in an unused classroom only for it to emit a loud unearthly scream. I was thankful I put up soundproof wards.

"Huh, unearthly scream, where have I read that before?" I wondered. I remember a distinct creature that sounded awful on land and more coherent...somewhere.

I was walking back from Care of Magical Creatures when a head popped out of the black lake. It looked human, but had geen skin; its a mermaid! When it opened its mouth, a loud piercing scream echoed throughout the grounds.

I gasped, "underwater!" I ran up to my dorm and drew the Rune to keep my body temp normal onto my swimsuit. Then I slipped it on and covered myself in robes.

I came back out and walked a good distance, and put on the Disilliant Charm on myself for an extra percaution. I stripped off my robes and waded into the Black Lake till I was waist height. Then dunking the egg below, I undid the hatch. I took a deep breath and sank under

A beautiful voice sang a clue;

Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot sing above the ground
An hour long you'll have to look.
To recover what we took.
An hour long, the prospects black
Too late its gone it wont come back.

I gasped coming up for air, I closed the egg, and used a drying spell on myself.

"Black lake, hour long limit, retrieve something. Ok, an item is weird to be at the bottom of the lake. Unless its not something, but someone!" I gasped.

That had to be it. Who will they tak my twin or Hermione? It was then I was thanking Merlin that Harry and I were going with friends.

I knew from previous reading about the Bubble Head Charm. If I could get Fred and George to help me, I could succeed.

I approched my brothers later that day. "Do either of you know the Bubble Head Charm?"

"Why do you ask?"

"No time for questions!" I snapped.

"We do." They said in unison.

"Can you teach me? Its for the..." I lowered my voice "Second Task."

The twins nodded and we began the job of mastering a Sixth Year spell.


I scrunched up my face in concentration. I had been practicing the Bubble Head Charm 30 times over the last 24 hours. We were in the ROR, its the only place to practice undisturbed.

George had fallen asleep, but not Fred. "Come on Emma, once more." He encouraged.

I did the charm and a bubble came over my head distorting my face.

Fred grinned, "Emily, you did it!"

"Thanks to you both. You are the best brothers ever!" I exclaimed.

"What about Harry, has he solved it yet?" George asked groggily.

I frowned, "We make a point to never talk about it. But I'll ask him later today."

Snow started falling and teperatures began dropping. During lunch, I overheard Hermione questioning Harry about his egg.

"Did you solve it yet?"

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now