Chapter 76: Voldemorts Return

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I had just picked up the locket when I got an agonizing pain in my head. I screamed and my world went black. I then saw something beyond disturbing; Voldemort somehow regaining a body.

"Mistress Emma! Mistress Emma!" Kreacher yelled faintly.

I groaned as my eyes fluttered. The scene ended as fast as it started. I opened my eyes to see the celing? Apparently I had passed out.

"Im ok Kreacher, no worries." I smiled gripping the gold locket tightly. "Thank you, you are helping us end the war against the Dark Lord. Please excuse me."

"Mistress Emma is too kind!" Kreacher squealed before apperating away. 

Harry then burst into the room. "Emma, Voldemort..."

"Regained a body, I know. And its because I saw it probably same as you. Dont forget we are soul bonded, we can see and feel what the other one feels." I stated.

"If thats so, why havent I felt anything from you?" Harru looked upset.

I sighed, "grief makes me shut down. Thats why."

"Emma, Im sorry..." Harry came to hug me.


Over the next week, I couldnt help but notice Dora came by almost every day. "Harry, do you know whats going in with Dora and Remus?"

Harry shurgged obviously clueless. I was walking to the kitchen when I saw Remus and Dora.making out fiercely.

I couldnt let this slide, I am the sister of the next generation of pranksters.
"Well Im glad to see you have taken my advice Uncle Remus." I couldnt help but smirk.

The two broke apart at once and blushed. "Emily!"

"Relax, I was hoping this would happen. Im happy for both of you." I sent the two a smile.

It wasnt till about 2 weeks later, that Dora and Remus tied the knot. "Please call me Aunt Dora from now on." The metamorphagus stated.


Our summer days continued on. Me in the library reading with Hermione for about 3 hours a day. I was reading on how to make magical portkeys that will activate by saying a phrase. I was hard at work making medallions for the three of us when we leave for our quest.


"This is bloody terrible!" Remus shouted when he came home one day mid summer.

"What?" Hermione and I were chatting about Ancient Runes and their uses.

Remus sighed, "I was just at Hogwarts for a mandatory meeting. We wrre being told who the new Head is."

"And?" Hermuione demanded.

"Severus. It hasnt been announced in the paper. And Im afraid Ill have to put up with him unless if I want a cell in Askaban." Remus growled.

A stab of sympathy crashed through me about Snape, but I squashed it down. "What?! Thats a shit place to be! You cant work under that murderer!"

"I dont like it either Emma, but I have to protect the students, somehow. Severus has hired the Carrows as teachers. All they will do is teach how to deal torture." Remus shook his head

"McGonagall what about her? She was the Deputy." Hermione cut in.

Rwmus opened his mouth when Harry came in. "Whats the commotion?"

"Snapes now the Headmaster." I cringed.

"What in Merlins pants has this world come to?! You both know I need to uh...finish that scavenger hunt." Harry cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, but when is a savenger hunt more important than your education?" Sirius asked coming into the room.

"When its saving the world Sirius. Its a job Dumbledore wanted us to continue after he was gone. Harry, Hermione and I are going to do that." I replied causing Sirius to gasp in shock.

"What did he ask for you to do?" Sirius asked.

"We cant tell you Dad. Dumbledore requested it remain a secret." Harry mumbled looking down.

"As much as I respect Dumbledore, his judgements arent always the best. And making my son risk his life before hes a man is very stupid. Please tell me. You know Im no blabbermouth." Sirius stated.

Harry looked to me, "We could use an adult wizards expertise. Admit it, we cant do everything on our own."

Harry sighed, "we are looking for Voldemorts Horcruxes."

Sirius' expression turned dark. "Did you say horcruxes?"

"We did. The madman made 6 of them and we destroyed 2, I have one, but...we dont know where the last 3 are. We believe its Hufflepuffs cup, Nagini and Slytherins locket which we have thanks to Kreacher." I explained quickly.

"Kreacher? What does that old elf have to do with this?"

"Regulus discovered Voldemorts secret a long time ago. He died like Dumbledore, trying to bring the maniac down." I explained.

"He did?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"He did." I replied firmly.

"So you have 2 horcruxes destroyed and we have possession of 2 more. That leaves the Cup and Nagini to find." Sirius replied.

"I think I might have a way to find out." I smirked before closing my eyes. I tapped into the bond with Harry, and traveled through it. Putting up my mind shields, I began to travel through the bond Harry has with Voldemort.

Luckily for me, Im a master at Legillimency and was able to wriggle my way through the walled off spots of the maniacs mind.

And then, I found it. And I found something beyond shocking. I jerked back into my body and felt so ashamed; how could I not see it before.

"The Cup is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault." I replied. "Im unsure where Voldemort is, but I know the snake is with him. I nedd some time alone. Ill be back in 3 hours tops. If not, Harry you know how to contact me." I touched Harrys shoulder briefly before leaving the room.

I took the floo to Knockturn Alley, making sure to silence my entrance. I then turned to the Vanishing Cabinet, and shrunk it.

Then, I returned to Black Manor, and stepped into my trunk. The trunk that can shtink to a watch. I expanfed it and came into a wooden cottage. Thrre, I returned the Cabinet back to its size. I stepled through and found myself in the ROR at Hogwarts.

Like the previous Cabinet, I also shrunk it and began my way to the Headmasters office. 

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