Chapter 56: A Guest

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I wasnt surprised that Harry hadnt sacked the potions professor. I knew he was secretly keeping someone his mum knew close.

The day after Harrys birythday, we found a letter on his desk from the Headmaster asking us to meet him.

"What could this be about?" Harry asked.

"I dont know." I shrugged.

We then left hand in hand and made our way to his office.

"Harry and Emily, it is time I told you the truth about Harrys scar. I meant to tell you last year, but we had distractions." Dumbledore began.

"Ok, so what about my scar?"

"It is how Voldemort marked you as his equel." The old man answered.

"So the power the Dark Lord knows not is..."

"What saved you from him the first time. Love. Id like to give you both lessons with me this year. And to become masters of Occulamency and Legilmency." Dumbledore explained

"I am a master of Occulamency as is Harry. Im working on the other one still." I replied.

"I will be teaching you how and some other things. First though, I require assistance with something." The old man activated the fireplace. "Follow me."

Without another word, we followed through the fireplace.

We came out in the the Leaky Couldron. Dumbledore motioned for us to hold on tight. "Do not let go." He then twisted away and we were dragged into a tight tube.

"Was that apperating?" Harry asked breathless.

I opened my eyes as the darkness was replaced with sunlight. My stomach began to churn.


A moment later, I emptied my stomach on the grass nearby. "Sorry." I cleaned my mess with a wave of my hand.

"Most people vomit the first time. Come along you two." Dumbledore began to walk down the street.

"What are we doing here?" Harry asked

"We are here to invite a guest to stay at Hogwarts." Dumbledore answered.

"Who?" We asked

"Horace Slughorn."

"The old potions teacher?" I asked stunned.

Dumbledore smiled, "someone has been listening in History of Magic."

"I always loved history to be fair." I blushed.

"Horace has been on the move for the past year, never staying in one place for more than a month. He doesnt like being at the school unless he can work. I was able to track him down here." The old man motioned at a small Muggle cottage.

"What are we going to convince him with then, Sir? Every position at the school is full." Harry stated.

"That is true, I was thinking of having him be the potion brewer for Madam Pomfrey. Severus is too busy teaching to brew specific potions the matroon needs at times." Dumbledore answered.

"This man seems interesting, is there anything...oh, us. A chance to be near us." I groaned.

"Youre right Emily." Dumbledore smiled. "Horace likes being near people he'd consider bright. You two are the Chosen Ones, destined to bring down Voldemort. He will try to collevt you and I think for your best interests, ypu let him."

Harry scowled but remained silent. We did as the headmaster wanted; Slughorn acepted residency at Hogwarts.

"Ready to return?" He held out his hand. This time I took his hand first and not second.

Before the old man let us go, he told us about the ptivate lessons he wanted to give us and for Harry to constantly keep his cloak on hand.

When we returned to the school, I was surprised to find Sirius waiting for us.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"I need some time with you this summer. Come on, Im taking us out to eat!" Sirius smiled.

Without hesitating, we both agreed. We've been cooped up in the castle for 11 months straight.

"Tell me about this new person you invited to Hogwarts." Sirius stated after giving his order.

Harry and I placed ours before answering Sirius.

"Its Slughorn. He used to be..."

"The old potions teacher huh? He taught all of us." Sirius shrugged.

"He did?!" Harrys head perked up.

"Oh yes. Invited Lily and me to his little fan club. Uh...Slug Club I think?" Sirius cocked his head like a dog.

"Dumbledore wants him to collect us. He must have a reason why." I felt confused.

"Slughorn was a teacher when Riddle came through Hogwarts." Sirius shrugged.

"He was?!"

"Oh, you didnt know? My brother became one of his supporters and told me Riddles favorite teacher was Slughorn." Sirius stated off handedly.

"Your brother..." I trailed off.

"Shouldnt be a surprise here, the Blacks were all in Slytherin till I broke the dark tradition." Sirius smirked.

Sirius was able to help us relax a bit before we had to return to school. "Thanks Dad."

"Anytime my boy." Sirius kissed Harrys head.


When Slughorn had arrived, he requested both Harry and me.

"Its nice to see you both again! Emily, the brighest bulb of the bunch to capture and recapture those Death Eaters! Harry Potter, the son of my favorite student, Lily." The man looked thoughtful.

"Thank you." We both said feeling a bit awkward with his praises.

"Now, I insiat that you ride the train with me." Slughorn began.

"I cant, I have severe motion sickness. Did the staff tell you about my restraining order?" I asked quickly.

"Thats too bad! Restraining order! Against who?" Slughorn exclaimed.

"Ronald and Ginerva Weasley of my house. They cabt come within 6 feet of me or talk to me again." I brought out a newspaper clipping with my familys photo. I circled both of my siblings. "These are the two." I explained.

"Ah, I see. No worries about that."

Much to my surprise, Slughorn gave me a reason to be excited about Potions. After our 2 hour chat, both Harry and I left feeling only more intrigued by this new guest. Life at Hogwarts is rarely boring or quiet.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now