Chapter 3: Escape!!

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My full moon nights Mum would force me down to the basement. She would chain me to the wall by my hands, feet and a collar. "You are to transform here you freak! You will not leave until morning understand?"

I nodded not trusting my voice to speak. I quietly scampered down while trying my best to make no noise.

Mum threw me down the stairs as I heard footsteps approching. I was starving, but Mum would never let me eat a thing. Unfortunately every time  I became a werewolf, I broke out.

Freedom was amazing! I ran down to the Muggle village and feasted upon a few Muggle children killing them before they could scream.

When I awoke in the basement, I always had no memory of the previous night. I tasted blood on my mouth. Disgusted, I would wipe my mouth on the red towel Mum had left for me.

I'd go upstairs and make the usual breakfast. Toast and sausages for Mum and Dad. Scrambled and boiled eggs for Charlie, Bill and Percy. Pancakes for Fred, George my twin and sweet Ginny. When I was done, I scurried to the attic and wept silent tears that they could never see me again or Mum will kill me.

However, I was still part of their lives though they werent in on mine. I made sure their beds were always made, returned books to bookshelves and so on. I even nicked a thick invisible rope which I threaded down to the dinning room so I could evesdrop on the conversations.

I knew Mum would never let me go to Hogwarts. I would always be her freak of a slave never to be freed. Ive thought about nicking a few galleons and one of my brothers wands to summon the Knight Bus to the Leaky Couldron and owl Remus for help.

But I never did it because someone was always home. Either Mum or my younger siblings.

Finally the day had come, when I was 6. The family was going out for two hours and Bill left his wand home. Scurrying to the small bank, I took out 8 Gelallons and picked up Bills wand.

I went outside and raised it. Then I put the wand in the garage. I didnt bother leaving a note for Mum because I knew she wouldnt care.

"Where cho you goin'?" The conductor asked.

"Le-Leaky Cou-Couldron, please and hurry!" I whispered.

The conductor waved me on and sped away just as Mum had returned home. I released a sigh of relief, freedom at last!

I made a mental note to contact Remus ASAP. I needed him and his support. When I arrived, I went into my room and unpacked the tiny bag I brought.

Then I left for Diagon Alley. I waited until a witch or wizard entered. My dad had appeared!

"Excuse me Sir, can you let me into the Ally?"

Dad smiled down at me. "Of course sweetie, where are your parents?"

"They disowned me. Im looking for an owl I can borrow. I have to send a note to a friend to come get me." I blabbed.

"Ah first shop on you left. Good luck little one!" Dad called.

I flashed him a radient smile which made him look at me weirdly. "What?"

"You remind me of my dead daughter. She would be your age. But my wife told me she had died by the hands of a werewolf." Dad explained.

"Investigate the house sir, perhaps your wife had lied to you, all of you. She could still be alive, but hidden away. I have to go." I ran, my red hair rippling in the sunlight.

Dear Remus,
I should have never returned home! Mum turned me into a servant and told my family I died by your hands. Please I need you to look after me. Mum only hisseed threats of what a monster I am. You are the only one who can help me.

Emma W.

I hated how desperate I sounded, but sent it off anyway. I am only six, I would never survive long. Remus made a mistake, but he could fix it, by taking me in.

A couple days later, Remus' reply came.

Of course Ill look after you. This letter is a portkey scheduled to leave in 5 minutes. Pack everything and hold on tight. You will come to my cottage grounds where your new life will begin. See you soon.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Yes! I quickly packed everything and clutched the note as the world swirled around me.

I found myself outside a modest little cottage. "Remus!" I cried running into his outstretched arms.

"Shh...Im here now." He stroked my hair gently as he carried me into the cottage. "Now I have to go to the Ministry, no one knows Im a you know. That way I can win custody of you. I would bring you along, but I think you should get settled first."

"Ok Remus thank you so much, for everything." I sighed relieved.

Remus left by way of the Floo as I settled down on the couch.


I awoke to the Floo flaring to life. I was terrified Mum had found me. But it was just Remus with a witch and Dumbledore.

"Hello." I said shyly.

"Miss Weasley, you are now in care of Remus Lupin. However to protect you, we will be changing you appearnce. Your brown eyes are fine, but we need to change your hair to brown like Remus'. We can say you are his niece." Dumbledore explained waving his wand. 

"Now Emma Weasley, your new name will be Emily Lupin. Is that good for you?" The witch asked.

"Yes! I acept! Thank you so much!" Tears of joy sprung from my eyes.

Dumbledore and the witch had left while Remus turned to me. "Are you hungry?"

"S-starving I need rare m-meat." I said eagerly.

"I think that can be arranged. Why dont you go upstairs and rest? Ill call you when its ready?" Remus asked.

"Thank you so much." I replied as I hobbled up the stairs.


"Yes Remus?"

"Why are you limping?"

"Mum's handiwork." I explained tears coming to my eyes.

"Would you like to meet a new friend?" Remus smiled

"Always. Who were you thinking of?" I asked

"Harry Potter. My friend Sirius recently took him in a couple weeks ago. Would you like to meet him in a few days?"

"Id like that." I smiled.

Couple of hours later, I joined Remus for dinner. I knawed on the almost raw meat like an animal.

"Sorry, Mum barely allowed me to eat." I blushed.

Remus remained silent but pushed more meat onto my plate.

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