Chapter 13: I Need to Know

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"...please Emily!" Hermione asked.

"No, Im not going to trick Hagrid like that! Yes we share the same interests of creatures, but I think we had best leave that dog alone." I replied

"Fine, we will talk to Hagrid then." Ron answered as the trio walked away.

I had never felt like a lone wolf until now. Besides, I had to get home within an hour.

I walked to the Great Hall, thankful that dinner had just ended. I peeked in to make sure no one was around.

"Is that wise Miss Weasley?" An amused voice asked.

I whirled around and saw Dumbledore looking at me knowingly.

"Professor, my uncle will freak if I dont return home. Surely you know that. I can use the fireplace in the tower and risk my friends questions."
I blushed.

"I merely meant for you to be in your school robes, not your location of leaving." Dumbledore chuckled.

I blushed, "oh yeah." I took my robes off revealing a short sleeve shirt and shorts.

"Good luck Emma." Dumbledore said before I left.

"Sir, its Emily Lupin. Did you want to tell me something?" I knew there was something going on.

"Remus is coming to you. Go meet him out in front of the old Womping Willow." Dumbledore answered.

"Why is he coming to me this month?" I asked. "Im coming home for the winter holidays in less than a week." 

"He will tell you. Now you had best leave." Dumbledores lips twtiched upwards.

I flashed him a tight smile and left the castle. I ran towards Hagrids hut where apparently my brother and his friends were interogating him.

" guarding is between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel!" Hagrids voice carried over to my sensitive ears. "I shouldnt have said that!"

Oh, I knew Id be hearing about this later. I approched the Womping Willow.


My uncle appeared. "Emily!" He held his arms out as I ran into him.

"Whats going on? Why are we here and not...?"

"Shh, we need to get inside now. Ill explain tomorrow morning. Now come on." We both looked up at the moon as we began to transform.

Remus lead me deep into the woods where  we played together. Our paradise was lost when I heard a familiar voice.

"Where is Emily?!" A high pitched voice demanded from the castle.

I glanced at Remus who shook his head leading me further into the woods where we hunted some small animals. I lifted my head, releasing a mournful howl.


"Emily!" A hoarse voice said at once.

I opened my eyes and inhaled the Forbidden Forest. I turned to move, but my whole body hurt. "Remus, what did you want to talk to me about last night?"

"Im taking you home later today. We have a few things to disguss. You had best go pack. Ill come back tonight." Remus smiled.

"Am I in trouble?" Suddenly I was worried.

"No, but trouble is heading our way. Look, all I need to do is formally adopt you. The Ministry is getting nosy and could send you back to the Burrow." Remus shuddered.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now