Chaptee 77: Public Enemy # 1

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For extra protection, I disilluminated myself. I had to stop a few times to prevent running into anyone. At long last, I was at the stone gargoyle leading to the Heads office.

Waving my hand, the staircase appeared and I stepped on. I knocked loudly.

"Enter!" Snape yelled.

I disilluminated myself before coming through. "Congragulations Professor Snape."

The man looked up at me and released a sigh, "Hello Lupin. How can I help you?"

"Is it true about your master gainimg a body?" I asked at once.

"Yes, it is. Why are you here?" Snape asked.

"I know you didnt want to be Headmaster, that Dumbledore had arranged it after his death. And that you will find it hard to protect the students from the Carrows..." Snape cut me off.

"How did you know-"

"Uncle Remus. My offer is; would you like some help next term? Harry, Hermione and I are going to finish what Dumbledore started. We wont be returning, but I'll be willing to return to help protect them. If you will let me." I stated.

Snape stared at me open mouthed. "How did you know I didnt want to kill Dumbledore?"

"I have my ways Sir. Will you acept my offer?" I asked

"I shall. How will you get here though?" Snape asked.

I took out the miniture Vanishing Cabinet and held it out. "I will have the second one where ever we go."

"You are something Miss Lupin." Snape acepted the small cabinet.

I smiled, "Thanks. May I use your floo?"

Snape nodded.

"Leaky Couldron!"

When I came out I immediately apperated to Black Manor.


Harry Hermione and I were busy studying when Sirius came in looking beyond irritated. "Take a look at this, Voldemorts taken over the Ministry!" He slapped a copy of todays Prophet on the table.

Harry Potter Wanted Alive 10,000 Galleon Award

"Its obvious Riddle wants to stop anyone who threatens his reign." I groaned.

"Great, what am I going to do now?" Harry groaned.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"I-we cant go hunting if Im most wanted!" Harry huffed.

"You cant. But we-" I gestured to Hermione and me. "Can."

"How?" Harry asked

"Harry, I've already found two of the Horcruxes. They're in my trunk. Only problem is, I cant destroy them. The basilisk fang I took as a souviner,  lost it a few years back. We have no way of destroying the Horcruxes." I sighed in defeat.

"What?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Im sorry. And with Snape as Headmaster, we cant march through Hogwarts and get another one." I winced.

Harry sighed in annoyance. "We will find another way. Dad, do you know how to destroy Horcruxes?"

Sirius scratched his chin, "hmmm, basilisk fang is a no go, there too risky."

"What?" Harry and I asked in unison.

"Fiendefyre, its cursed so it can destroy the Horcruxes, but...its hard to contain." Sirius groaned.

"Just great!" Harry groaned.

"We cant worry about the hunt now." Hermione stated.

"And why not?" Harry demanded.

"Bill and Fleurs wedding? Mum will kill me if Im not there. Its tomorrow." I replied.

"I need to drink Polyjuice if Im to go. Im now public enemy #1. Dad, do you have any brewed Polyjuice?" Harry turned to Sirius.

"I do, you can use it." I said before Sirius could answer.

I had a months worth of the potion I plan on sending to Dumbledore with my hairs. Ive used magic to make it look as if my hair hasnt been cut off.

"Why do you have a stash of Polyjuice?" Harry asked

"Never hurts to have a disguise up your ally. That potion is mine." I smiled summoning a small flask filled with the liquid.

"Who will I be now?" Harry asked.

I smirked, "why not me?"

Everyone in the room looked at me as if I grew another head. I rolled my eyes, not the first time Ive had someone turn into my old self.

"Polyjuice only works on humans." Sirius stated.

"Exactly, I cant use it. But anyone can use my hairs." I explained. "Right Hermione?"

The brunette shuddered. "Dont remind me."

"Am I missing something here?" Sirius asked.

Hermione blushed deep red. "I took it in my second year and became Emma for 1 hour. It was bloody terrible!"

"My life isnt that hard. Anyway, Ive tweaked it so what Hermione felt wont happen to you." I turned to my husband.

"Ok then."

Just then, an owl flew in with a letter attached to a square package.  Sirius read it and he swore.

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"The last Will and Testement of Albus Dumbledore." Sirius replied looking grim.

I gasped, how?

Sirius opened the package and letter. "To Hermione Granger, I leave my copy of Tales the Bettle the Bard in hopes she thinks of me when she reads it." Sirius handed her the small square book.

"To Emma Weasley, I leave my collection of memories. In hopes she will remember that nothing is permenant." Sirius pulled out a locked square box.

"Merlin!" I whistled.

"To Harry Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first match. As a reminder for his strength and determination." Sirius took out a purple cloth and handed it to my husband.

"Huh, I wonder why...."

"Snitches have flesh memories." Hermione stated. "And they are useful for hiding small items."

Harry took the snitch and breathed on the surface. "I open at the close? What does that mean?"

I gasped dramatically causing everyone to look at me. "Excuse me, a moment." Grabbing the box of memories, I quickly ran upstairs. Close means the end, and the end for Harry means death. Harry has to die?!

I opened the box and sifted through the vials. "Riddle, Riddle, Ridle, teenage Riddle. Come on, come on." My hand then closed on a vial labeled "end of war." Smiling, I took the vial and went into my trunk. I walked through the cabinet and paused before opening the door.

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