Chapter 78: The Wedding

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I could hear Snape and McGonagall arguing. As soon as the voices stopped and I heard a door slam did I dare t peek out. "Obscuro!" I whispered covering the eyes of all the Heads' portraits.

"Who is there?" Snape demanded.

I stepped out of the cabinet, "Its Lupin Sir."

Snape sighed, "what do you want?"

"An answer. Is my husband going to die?" I crossed my arms.

Snapes face turned miserable. "Lupin Im sorry! But yes."

"I see, may I use your pensieve a moment?" I asked.

Snapes jaw dropped. "Why arent you devestated about the news?"

"Oh I am, but I see no use in getting upset about it. I need to see a memory Dumbledore left me." I replied.

"Feel free, Lupin." Snape gestured to the basin.

I tipped the vial from my pocket into the pensieve and dived in.

I landed in the Heads office. Dumbledore and Snape were conversing.

"Only when Voldemort is at his most vulnerable, can you tell him." Dumbledore stated.

"Tell him what?"

Dumbledore sighed, "That when Voldemort went to kill the Potters, the spell rebounded on Voldemort and broke him. But a piece of his soul latched itself onto the last living thing in the house, Harry himself. A part of Voldemort lives inside Harry. While that part of his soul lives on in Harry, Voldemort cant die." Dumbledore explained.

"So the boy must die?" Snapes expression was unreadable.

"Yes he must die." Dumbledore answered.

Snape went into a huge tirade about protecting my husband just so he could die at the right moment.

"Dont tell me you care for the boy." The old man stated.

For him?! Expecto patronum!" Snape waved his wand and out bloomed a silver doe.

Dumbledores jaw dropped, "Lily. After all this time?"


The pensieve propelled me out. I took out my wand to collect the menory.

"Lupin, did you get what you wanted?" Snape asked.

I turned to find the snarky man at his desk looking over parchment. "I did. And I will tell Harry the truth about him. You wont have to." I sighed.

Snapes head shot to attention. "That is what you saw?!"

I nodded. "Harry hates you, I mean really. He wont believe what you have to say. And if the end is coming faster than we think, he might not be able to view your memories. Is there anything you want me to tell him?"

Snape sighed, "yes. Tell Potter that Im sorry. So sorry, I loved Lily and hated Potter Senior. And its my love for Lily that has driven me to protect Lilys son time and time again. So her death wont be in vain." Tears slid down the mans face.

Silently, I withdrew that memory from my head. Snape summoned a flask to my hand. "Thanks."

I gave the man a brief hug before leaving by the Vanishing Cabinet. I came out of my trunk and went to find Hermione and Harry.


The day of Bill and Fleurs wedding came upon us. I put my brown hair up into an elegant bun. I slipped into a sky blue dress with my now completed gold medallion.

"Are you two ready?" I glanced at my friends.

"More than ready. I need the vial please Emma." Harry held out his hand.

I sent him a smile and handed it over. Within seconds, Im facing the old me.
We took each others hands and apperated to the Burrow.

The yards beautiful. With a long tent put up to protect against the elements.
"Emma!" A voice called making me turn.

Fred and George came rushing up to Harry and pulled him aside.

"Hello your sister is over here!" I laughed.

The twins turned and their jaws dropped. "Emily? Emma? Whos-" they asked in unison.

"The Emma next to you is Harry." I whispered. "Hes now a wanted man, so we thought it best to disguise him as me. I should have warned everyone here."

"We'll spread the word."

Not long after we were all ushered to our seats. Fleur came down the aisle looking drop dead beautiful. Her long blonde hair framed by a braid crown. And a simple but pretty tiara in her hair.

The wedding was quick and the celebration happened in full swing.

I was about to talk with Luna, when to my surprise, a red feather appeared. This made the crowd gasp.

I snatched the feather and left the main hustle. I needed privacy before reading the note,

   Order members arrived to secure Grimmauld Place. Say the words I did not kill and the charms will deactivate. As usual, I kept to the shadows. Thanks again Emma.

I sighed, shouldnt be too bad. The four of us arent planning to use #12 anyway.

I lit the note on fire and returned to the party. I noticed Harry in a deep conversation with a silver beared man.

I decided to preoccupy myself by talking with Luna.

"Hi Luna."

"Why didnt you tell me?" The blonde asked.

"Tell you, what?"

"That you are Emma." Luna replied.

"What makes you say that?" I blushed.

"If you arent Emma, then how is Emma Weasley over there?" Luna demanded. Her usual airy voice, gone.

I sighed, "I do not need to be shamed, Luna."

"Emily, Im not shaming you, i only want to know why you would hide." Luna begged.

I shook my head, "You will never understand."

"I want to."

"I cant, its complicated." I replied.

"I see." Luna frowned and she turned away.

I was about to go after her, when a silver patronus came in the shape of a dog. Sirius!

"They are coming!" Was the only warning.

I sprang into action, grabbing hold of Harry and Hermiones hands. I apperated us to Black Manor.

"Why did you get us out of there?!" Harry demanded.

"You are the most wanted person in the wizarding world! You could have put everyone, including my family in danger." I replied shortly.

"Emmas right, you wouldnt want that, would you?" Hermione asked.

Harry released a sigh, "no. Dad, are you here?"

Three pairs of footsteps could be heard.

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