Chapter 31: Emily's Fears

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The next morning, I found Harry picking at his food. "Why are you so moody today?"

"Something that happened in Divination yesterday." Harry mumbled.

"The teacher said you were going to die?" I asked resisting the urge to yawn.

Cutlery clattered and Harry looked at me in surprise, "how did you know?"

I resisted the urge to laugh. "The teacher always welcomes a new class by predicting the death of someone. If you ask me, she does it to get people excited, when it does the opposite."

"I find Divination to be very unstable." Hermione sniffed.

"Of course you would Hermione, you have a scientific brain. You believe that theres an explaination for everything. Divination is all about events that havent happened, so the 'facts' you look for are opinons in your eyes. The true Seer gift is rare, but I have the feeling that this teacher may have true visions if only few and far between." I explained.

"You are right Emily, I do have a scientific brain." Hermione smiled.

"What did the teacher tell you?" I asked turning to my boyfriend.

"That my teacup had the Grim, its a death omen." Harry mumbled.

I couldnt help but burst into laughter. "Of course you will be followed by the Grim!"

"Im sorry am I missing something?" Harry asked confused.

I grinned, "not much. Dont worry too much about the Grim. Its a lousy superstition."

"Emilys right Harry." Hermione cut in.

"Right nutters they are." Ron mumbled darkly.

I smacked Ron upside the head. "Ow, and apparemtly violent. My uncle Bilius saw the Grim and died the next day."

"Coincidence." Hermione and I said in unison.

"Watch your back, ok mate?" Ron looked worried.

"Dont worry, Harry is totally safe with me." I kissed his cheek and got up. "Bye."

As I continued to walk out, I saw Remus trying to intercept me. I stopped, "Professor Lupin?"

"Come with me, please." Remus replied.

I knew the dreaded time has come. Its time to drink the Wolfsbane potion. Remus lead me up to his office where he motioned toward a couldron bubbling.

"That is the potion?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Remus grimaced, "afraid so. It will taste very unpleasant, but its better than what we go through, right?"

"True. Im allowed to stay here with you, right?"

"Yes, right before moonrise you come here. Make any excuse you want. Then when the moon is up in the sky, we will transform. We will keep our minds when we transform, and Ill ward the room so we cant escape." Remus explained before filling a goblet full of the potion.

I took the goblet, sniffed ot and groaned, "what I would give to be cured of this." I tipped the goblet and let the disgusting drink make its way down my throat. "Tastes like it smells, foul."

"Sorry honey, you know it would make the potion useless if we improved the taste." Remus sighed.

I groaned, "thanks Uncle Remus."

"Your welcome, now go on. We'll meet up this weekend. Oh, I have this for you. Its your Hogsmead permission slip." Remus handed me a slip of parchment.

Once again I thanked my uncle before leaving the room. I stepped into the hallway and smelled something foul. Without meaning to, I could hear hushed tones around the farthest corner.

"Shush Forge!" One voice hissed

"I would if you'd unpin my arm, Gred." The other one complained

"Give it up, Fred and George." I called crossing my arms.

The twins came out shooting me looks of guilt and awe. "How did.."

"... You know it was us?" George finished.

I scoffed, "I have enhanced smell and hearing. If you want to prank Professor Lupin, I'd suggest you didnt."

"Why?" The twins asked in unison.

"Hello, hes like me?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Besides, he used to be a prankster with his friends when he was our age."

"Wicked!" The twins gasped.

I rolled my eyes before leaving my brothers to their schemes.

I continued onto Transfiguration. To my satisfaction, I was able to get the spell done right this class.

"Ron, does Scabbers look ok?" Harry asked after class.

"Eww! That rat is yours?" I asked disgusted just noticing the very slimy animal.

Ron glared at me. "I just got him a week before coming to school. He was passed out in our garden. Mum thought it died. But thanks to her, she decided it should be my pet. Besides, no one else in my family wanted him." Ron shrugged.

"I can see why." Harry muttered darkly.

"Lay off. No one understands you." Ron cooed scratching the rats ear affectionately.

Hermione appeared next to us. "Ron, is that your rat?"

"Here we go again." Ron groaned.

The rest of the week went by with no big events. Saturday morning, I was outside Remus' office.

"Good morning Emily, are you ready to face your boggart?" Remus smiled.

I nodded feeling so anxious to get this over with. Im expecting to see Mum yelling and screaming at me.

Remus waited while I got myself situated. Once I nodded at him, he flicked his wand and the wardrobe opened.

Out stumbled my twin brother with scratch marks on his chest, and his eyes were glassy. "What do" He gasped before going limp. My blood ran cold, how could I do this?!

I gasped in shock. "Its not real, its not real." I mumbled raising my wand. "Riddiculus!"

CRACK! In Rons place was Dad, sprawled out dead. Blood trickled from his forehead.

"Think of something happy." Remus cut in.

Once again, I casted the spell, but now Mum had appeared in front of Dads corpse. "How dare you! I cast you out for a reason, you monster!" She screeched.

"Not real, not real." I said while tears ran down my cheeks. "Riddiculus!"

Nothing happened. I was openly sobbing now. "Im done, I cant do it."

Remus stepped forward and banished the boggart for me. He waved his wand as a vial came soaring imto his hands.

My vision was blurry, and I couldnt help but think what I would do if I did kill my family.

Emma Weasley Where stories live. Discover now