Chapter 87: The Ministry Job

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"Harry, Im off for my interview." I announced.

"What interview?"

"Head of the Protection of Magical Creatures of course. Madam Bones told me theres an opening. I now get to do what I always hoped for, I get to be a Magizoologist." I grinned.

"Thats great Emma! Id wish you good luck, but I doubt you'd need it." Harry blushed.

"Are you still planning to be an Auror?"

"Of course! But we do need someone here to parent our kids." Harry laughed.

"Hopefully this position wont require much training. After I get my schedule settled, you can get yours to when Im off. Lets try and get at least one day off together." I smiled.

"Deal Emma."


"Mrs. Potter..." Amelia smiled when I walked in.

"Hello Madam Bones." I extended my hand out. "Thank you for recommending me."

"Your welcome. Your OWL score in Care of Magical Creatures was the highest ever. Id like you to meet a collegue, Mr..." Amelia turned to a tall thin red haired man.

The man turned causing me to gasp. "Percy?!"


"Harry dear?" Molly knocked on the door.

Harry opened the door and smiled at the woman. "Come in Mum."

"You called me Mum. How are you two settling in?" Molly asked.

"Very well. Im sorry Emmas not here. Shes got a job interview at the Ministry right now." Harry stated.

"Ooh just like her father! Im so proud!"


"Im sorry Miss, but do I know you?" Percy bristled.

"Mrs. Potter?" Amelia asked nervously.

"Amelia, this is my older brother." I smirked at him.

"Brother?! I only have one baby sister." Percy scoffed.

"Emma, Rons twin. Im her, does the name ring a bell? Amelia if I have to work with him, I dont want the position. Hes worked too hard for werewolves not to have jobs here. News flash, werewolves need jobs like these. How else can they afford Wolvesbane Potion ingredients?" I huffed.

"Emma?! I thought you...."

"Died? So did the rest of my family for the past 16 years." I shook my head.

"Mrs. Potter, I am so sorry. You wont be working with Mr. Weasley. He's in another department." Amelia bristled.

"Oh I see now, I dont know. I need to think abo." I admitted.

"Of course. Owl me when you've made your decision." Amelia answered and I spun away.

When I arrived home, I heard voices. "Hello?"

"Emma!" A woman called out.

"Mum? Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just seeing how youre settling in. I heard about the interview, congragulations!" Mum exclaimed.

"Thank you, but I haven't accepted yet. Percy was there." I stated.

"What?!" Mum and Harry asked in unison.

"Yes. I have to think hard if I want to work with him. Hes barred werewolves from getting good jobs. I might not be one anymore, but I'd be a hypocrite if I agreed with the likes of him." I shook my head.

"You dont have to agree with him. The whole point of the job is to protect magical creatures." Mum pointed out.

Suddenly the floo errupted and out stepped Percy looking nervous. He gasped when he saw Mum in the room. "Harry, Emma and Mum."

"What are you doing here?" Harry growled.

I blocked my husband with my arm. "If you didnt abandon your family for power, you would have known about me."

"Why do you care so much about werewolves?" Percy demanded

I scoffed, "You are in no position to be questioning me. Now answer Harrys question."

Percy deflated, "I came to beg for forgiveness."

"Why?" I asked.

Percy winced, "I was ashamed and felt like no one understood me. I had a lot of pressure! Mum and Dad were so proud, but I was ridiculed by my siblings. I hated siding with the Ministry against Harry. Really, I did! Harry, you were like a brother to me!"

Harry released a short breath, "Im sorry you were misunderstood. But, thats no excuse for what you've done."

"I understand." Percy held his head.

"I agree with Harry. But, you came to apologize, and that means something. You had such a bright future, and you let power decide your morals." I shook my head.

"You really dont want to work with me, do you?" Percy looked up at me.

"No, but I will tolerate you if it means I will protect the creatures that need help."

"Thats settled then. Im sorry to have bothered you." Percy turned towards the floo.

"Percy! Why dont we go home? You can see your father." Mum offered.

Percy lit up at the idea. "Great idea Mum!"

Hand in hand, the two left our house.

I turned to Harry, "Do you think he was telling the truth?"

"I dont know honey. Only time will tell." Harry shrugged.

"Very true. But I will need to take that job. No one knows the prejudices magical creatures face better than an ex-magical creature." Ismilsd at Harry.

"So true."

The baby monitor went off. "Thats our cue"

Together we mounted the stairs to tend to our girls. I sent Amelia my acceptance later that day. I only hope Percy won't be too big of a challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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