The golden vanity catches your eye first, then the large gold bathtub in the corner next. This bathroom looks more expensive then anything you've ever been in.

"Wow." You meant to think but you say out loud.

The Queen lets out a soft laugh. "Thank you. We would have put you in the nicer suite but someone else had just stayed there and it hasn't been cleaned yet." The Queen says to you as Kylo and the King step outside to talk.

"There's a room nicer then this?" You ask in disbelief.

"Well yes, if you'd like we can move you to that room instead." She offers and you realize she took you complimenting the room as complaining.

"No, it's great. Thank you for letting us stay in this gorgeous room. It's perfect." You tell the Queen.

"That's great to hear! I'll leave you to settle in. If you need to change we put clothes for you in the closet." She explains to you.

"Thank you." You say and she leaves you be.

Kylo comes back into the suite, looking slightly stressed. "What would you like to do?" He asks you.

"I don't really know, what do they have to do here?"

"Well, we could go to the beach, they have an excellent spa we can go to, there's a pool and hot tub we can visit or we could just go to bed." He lists out the options and you ponder them for a moment.

"I think I'll take a nap." You say with a yawn and he nods.

He walks out of the suite and to the balcony. You go to the closet and grab a silky nightgown to slip on, then you slip into bed and doze off into sleep.

You're on Exegol. The Emperor looks at you with disapproval in his eyes.

"I'm sorry sir." You say pathetically as you kneel in front of his throne.

"I should never have sent you to Starkiller. You weren't ready, now look what you've become. Worthless!" He screams at you as he shows you images of your time at Starkiller.

Flashes of training.

Flashes of your fight with the Scavenger.

Flashes of you in the hospital.

Flashes of Canto Bright.

Flashes of you curled up in your bed.

Finally a flash of you in a cell, its not a memory you recognize. But the others have already happened.

The tears stream down your face as he forces you to see everything.

"Worthless child. I should never have started training you. You're a waste of space!" He continues to scream at you.

The tears stop and the rage begins to burn. You can't let him treat you like this.

You stand from your place. He looks confused then turns angry.

"What do you think you're doing!" He shouts.

"No" you say it quietly, your hand slowly reaching to grab your saber.

He ignites his saber without waring and you do the same. You're ready for a fight and so is he.

Someone steps to the side of you, a dark tall figure invites his scarlet red saber. He stands with you, not against and you both are ready to fight the Emperor, already knowing your fate.

You turn to face the figure but his face is a black hole. The faceless man doesnt look at you as he charges at the Emperor, but the Emperor is stronger then him. He's easily able to kill the man and you scream.

You dont know why you screamed, its not like you know the faceless man but you still scream in horror has the Emperors saber slices him in half.

"NO!" You scream as you rush to the dead man's body. You kneel over him crying.

"You see what happens when you try to be strong by dear. You will never win." Palpatine taunts you, knowing you will never truly be able to stand up to him.

"Kylo Ren was weak. But you my dear can be strong." You turn to the dead man at the name and is face appears. It wasn't some faceless man but Kylo Ren who had been beside you, ready to fight.

You lay your head on the chest of his body and except your fate.

You will never win.


The Assignment (Kylo Ren X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora