Ep 11: The Chase part 3

Start from the beginning

It was a long car ride and everyone was bored in their own way. Aiger was about ready to just open the car door and just walk to the Empire State Building.

But he couldn't get separated from the group. Sticking together was one of the most important things Valt had told them right before they left.

Finally after forty minutes of boringness and Joshua's drama filled stories the crew made it to the Empire State Building. A blockade was surrounding the building keeping people out. The camera crew was all set up.


As Aiger, Joshua and Drum walked up the stairs, lights turned on blinding Drum and Aiger.


All the cameramen turned towards Joshua. While some were on Aiger and Drum.


Joshua started walking up the stairs bursting open through the double doors. Some bladers looked up from what they were doing while others like Lane didn't pay any attention.

Joshua ran through the facility quickly pushing bladers aside. Behind Trent followed with a camera constantly centered on Joshua's face.

"To the office!" Joshua said striking a pose.

Trent held up an okay sign with his fingers while Aiger and Drum rolled their eyes.

Joshua and his crew along with Aiger and Drum headed upstairs. The main cameraman followed Joshua but everyone else followed behind.

Then the reached it, two double doors were closed leading into Shu's office. They were currently closed but that didn't stop Joshua, Aiger and Drum. Aiger listened through the crack of the door while Drum and Joshua fought over the keyhole.

"What's going on in there Aiger?"

"I don't know I can't hear, over your guys arguing."

After everyone settled down Aiger was able to hear better what was going on.

Inside the locked office Theodore Glass stood in front of Shu while Phi was off to the side. Behind Theodore were Free and Zac.

Shu Kurenai was sitting at the desk keeping his eyes on Theodore.

"This time will be different. This time we have a whole army at our disposal. You've done well at hiding Red Eye, I must say I'm rather impressed on how long you've kept up this charade."

Shu looked at him but said nothing, he knew Theodore's game and he wasn't letting it get to him.

"I was just like you once I kept my anger inside and I tried to hide from it."

"The only anger I have is that you took me away from my friends and that you've brought other innocent bladers into this. They have nothing to do with this."

"Fine then, I know what to donwith kids like you. If you won't listen to me then perhaps you can learn something from Phi."

Pain shot through his body and he was unable to move. Phi wore a malicious smile while holding out his hand with power.

Shu could start to feel Phi's dark energy take hold. He fought back as hard as he could but Phi was strong; he had experience and practice on his side.

"You see that's what's annoying about bladers like you Shu Kurenai. They meddle in everything whether people like it or not because that's what makes a hero."

Shu yelled out in pain and on the other side of the door Aiger, Joshua and Drum were trying to get through.

"This place has dark secrets, darker than you could ever imagine. There are things that you don't know about."

Just then the doors burst open, with Aiger, Drum and Joshua in the doorway. Trent was off to the side filming the whole thing. Phi let go of Shu release his grip on him.

"And action!"

"I should've known Theodore was behind this but Phi too?"

"Dude we literally just told you like forty five minutes ago." Aiger said.

"Don't you worry about a thing the cavalry has arrived!"

Phi giggled while Theodore let out a tired sigh.

"Joshua Burns, You've spent way too much time in those Sci Fi movies." Theodore said, sounding bored.


"Let's see, we also have Drum Koryu, the light of the Victories."

"You've got that right Dragon and I are going to take you down!" Drum held out his bey to Theodore.

"Cute, so full of light and hope. Let's hope nothing changes that."

Drum was about to pounce at Theodore but Aiger held him back.

"And finally Aiger Akabane, the former dark blader and Valt's right hand man. Aren't you tired of being next to Valt?"

Aiger gave him a nasty look but didn't say anything.

"But know this young bladers..." Everyone turned their heads to Phi who was holding hand up in the air. Seeing everyone's surprised faces only made him smile more.

"A darkness approaches, a day where everything you once thought was important won't be. The tides will turn and destruction will come. Nobody will be left to stop me."

And with that he walked out of the office accompanied by Theodore and the other corrupted bladers.

Once they closed the doors Joshua's energy deflated like a balloon.

"Aw man I really wanted an epic battle between good and evil!"

"Shu are you okay?"

Shu struggled a little getting up, he looked a little pale but other than all that he looked fine.

"Yes I'm fine."

"And so am I."

In the back of the room Clio came out of his hiding place behind the potted plant.

"Is that a Vampire?" Aiger asked.

"What a Vampire?!" Drum asked.

"Yes I am, something told me to come here. I've been traveling along the world for my dear friend Cuza but it seems that the shady man has found him first."

Aiger was about to say something but then closed his mouth.

"Wow how'd you know all that?" Drum asked excitedly.

"Well now it wouldn't be much of a secret now wouldn't it? Now then back to BC Sol!" Clio started marching to the doors when Shu stopped him.

"First things first, we need rest. I'm sure seeing Theodore and Phi here has put everyone on edge and it's almost nighttime. There's some extra dorms but you guys will have to buddy up."

"I call DIBs with Clio." Said Drum running over.

"Alright then Joshua I guess it's just you and me."


After everyone piled out of the office Shu was once again left alone with the sound of silence. It put him on edge but at the same time it was peaceful in his own way.

Picking up his phone he made a call.

"Hey Valt, we need to talk about Theodore and Phi... they're getting stronger..."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now