Part 32

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At Divit's house

Az: "Günaydin everyone! "

Mer: "Günaydin Aziz. "

C: "Baba, how do you think the investigations are running? "

Az: "Well, I have to talk later with Metin, maybe he's got further news or information about it."

La: "By the way, today I won't be at home at lunch time, Anne I got a meeting. "

Em: "A meeting or a DATE, La-le? Let's gossip a little bit. Lately you go out tooooo much..."

La: "Don't be fool, Emre! Baba say something to Emre... I don't have a date, but you... (she stared with blinking eyes at her brother) yesterday couldn't take your eyes from LEY-LA! I saw you both in a corner talkinggggg very closely, Hahahah!! "

C: "Hahahah, Emre have you got into trouble with your abla? She'll control what you do" (Can said teasing his brother, too).

Em: "Stop teasing me LA-LE and CAAAANN! "

La: "You started the game, Emre! Now you bear it. Hahahah"

Em: "You both laugh at me, but I will be waiting you, next... With whom are you supposed to have lunch today, Lale? "

La: "Not as special as you might think, abi! Jokes apart, I'll have lunch with Onur, finance advises. It's been a long time he asked me to talk about this topic but lately at office during the journey it was almost impossible and now that he will start the promo tour even less. "

Em: "I shall go to sports club and have a tennis match with Metin at 11 am. Do you any of you want to come? "

La: "By the way, Metin is dating Derem, talking about gossips...."

C: "Oh really, that's great! Derem is a great person and Metin is like a brother to us and nice guy, too. I support them, wish good look to them, mostly because she's got a special character and personality, but they make a good couple. "

Az: "Oh, I find it really amazing, actually! She is like a 2nd daughter to us and she deserves a good man to be with her and cherish her, too. "

La: "I agree, baba. And it's been long time she and another boyfriend from her parted and her father dies 2 years ago, it'll be good for her having someone to be with her, go out and so on.

Az: "Can, tomorrow at what time you got appointment to physiotherapist? "

C: "I don't remember exactly, I we'll check but I have to not to forget to talk to Derem and ask her to substitute me and join Sanem at the first day presentation from Onur's book, I will possibly be able to join only at the end, depending how things go in the doctor. "


At Metin's house

Ring ring ring ring

Metin picked the call up: "Merhaba! Oh Commissar... Good news to hear from you... Five people wow... OMG... Huma?... Polen?... Polen's BF, Emir?... Mr. Yildirim the Aydin's neighbour?... And Enzo Fabri supporting operation?... Can't believe it, Commissar Ekrem! That was more than a kidnap, what a complot!... Were there sufficient evidences?... Confessions?... Do you need me to go to the police station today?... Al right. Good job Commissar!... Please congratulate on behalf of Divit's and Aydin's families your whole team! And receive our deep gratitude to your dedication and tenacity to find out the truth of this case, especially for conducting the investigations so professionally Commissar!... I will sure... Thank you so much, Sir. Görüşürüz! "

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