Part 59

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Chapter 59

Hello everyone

Thank you for your support ❣️

This chapter has got MATURE CONTENT if you aren't comfortable than wait for next ones.

Hope you enjoy it. Remember to vote 🙏 🙏.

Sorry for not updating before, okay

What do think will happen next? Beach, boat, 2 lovers.

Let me know your opinion. I appreciate very much your comments. 😍

Previous chapter


Can couldn't bear to restrain himself anymore and kissed Sanem's lips a soft and deepened sealed kiss, full of fire and passion, again and again their mouths just melded together as one, he turned around so he was over her now so he continued kissing her lips then her cheeks after then her throat and her chest and finally he reached her breasts and very slowly he begun with his tongue teasing and sucking each nipple, Sanem moaned and even bubbled his name due to the pleasure he was giving to her, he was very tender because he wanted this first time to be unique and unforgettable in all senses.

Over them a dark blue sky with stairs and a full moon were witnessing and blessing the lovers like Endimion Zeus grandson and Selene the goddess of the moon.


Sanem POV

I can't believe that I'm having such a beautiful and romantic night with Can, my albatros and me alone lying here under the stars and the moon in a very intimate way which is very new for me in all senses and also overwhelming. I only fear that maybe I'm not as good lover as his old girlfriends orrr " Polen"..ughh oh, what if he doesn't like my body if I don't make love properly or if I don't meet his expectations? What if I'm not good enough?... What if?...

C: Sanemmm my love! Look at me! You seem weird and you seem far away from here, us (with a husky voice). Are you fine with...(he pauses) weee here laid together? What's going on inside your beautiful mind askim? I was wondering if you want to help me with my trousers? "

Can stared at Sanem with very puppy seductive eyes pleading her to join more actively in their game of love. She was shy and was startled by this new experience of love touching and exploring their bodies and souls.

S: "Hummm... I'm fine Can...I got lost in you and me here sharing our love, I'm so inexperienced in all this that I don't know what to do and mainly if you..." (she pauses) "Will like or ... enjoy it."

C: "Ohh my bebek, I'm more than delighted to hold you in my arms, you cannot imagine how many times I've dreamed of us being like this... like now (whispering voice), alone just you and me... nobody else disturbing or bothering us, interrupting us, just you and me. I simply love you here wrapped in my arms, this is the best of all, aşkım!"

Sanem loved being laid and seeing herself immersed in an intense erotic scene with her only love Can, but she didn't know how to behave and navigate in the waters of seduction she had just got into with him. She felt ashamed and it was hard to her to reply with same intensity that Can so easily had in each touch each kiss each or whisper in her ears. The softness of his fingertips was like the flight of a butterfly over her skin and she felt not only goosebumps but at same time a bolt of electricity running from the top of her spine to her feet. She was scared of not controlling herself and that this would be a dream and she suddenly could awake of her own fairy tale story.

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