Part 55

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Chapter 55

Thank you, everyone for your support. Remember that I'm not an experienced writer.

Let me know your opinion. I appreciate very much your comments. 😍

This chapter is longer.

Remember to vote 🙏 🙏. Hope you enjoy it.


Previous chapter

At Istambul Airport

Reporter1: ... not yet arrived, Defne.

In another door, there the reporter2 is looking at his watch.

Some papps are at hall waiting the flight from Ankara to land.

Reporter3 was reading his mobile messages.

Reporter4 was walking from side to side.


Meanwhile Can parked his car in the main parking from airport.

Beep beep from Rifat "Can Bay, the dinner is ready please let me know when you leave airport"

Beep beep from Can: "Teşekkür ederim, Rifat Bay"

Can walked to the arrival airport terminal.


Chapter 55

The flight landed and the aircraft stopped the engines.

The noise of the opening of seat belts from passengers begun.

D: "Finally, we arrived back Istambul, Sanem. Today I'm more tired than other days to be honest. We got a a long work journey, didn't we Sanem?

S: "Yes, true. Derem, I have decided I don't want to continue in Onur's book launch tour. I shall have to talk to Yiyit Bay.

D: "Tomorrow we can have a meeting to plan the activities, my friend. "

S: "Sure."

The passengers from the flight came out of plane and went to the luggage and exit lounge like the team from Friki Harika did.

Onur grabbed Sanem's arm while they were walking towards the exit.

On: "Sanem, stop. You have avoided to talk the whole day after lunch. "

S: "LET ME GO ONUR. (Sanem yelled). I don't have anything to talk to you. "

Derem and Yiyit stopped and observed them.

Yi:" What's going on Derem? I don't like it at all." Yiyit walked near Sanem and Onur. "You both, what HELL are you doing Onur?"

On: "I'm trying to talk to Sanem, she's avoiding me the whole day."

Yi: "And do you think it's appropriate to grab her arm in the middle of the airport arrival lounge after leaving the plane, Onur? "

S: "I don't want to talk to you Onur. Forget me. And don't ever even try to touch me or grab my arm or you will be reported from me to police. "

Yi: Sanem, please calm down. And you Onur a little of respect to your work colleague and friend isn't much to beg, is it?

On: "It's a private topic I need to talk to Sanem and don't want anyone else interfering. Sanem, I have to talk to you properly, this morning I couldn't explain myself sufficiently.

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