Part 57

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Chapter 57

Hello everyone

Happy new year 2022❣️Many thanks for your support, never could have I imagined to have so many lovely followers 122 (Wow). It's really so great I can only say

Thank Y❤️u.

This chapter is very long. Hope you enjoy it. Remember to vote 🙏 🙏.

What do think will happen next?

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Previous chapter

At Ataköy Marina Port

Driver: "Can Bay we are about to arrive. I can't get directly to the spot where the yacht boat is docked, sir. It's possible only by foot. Spot 120-B accordingly to Rifaf, Bay. "

C: "I know the access to vehicles is limited. And also, where the yacht boat is docked. "

The van stopped at entrance from the dock 100 – 150. They walked to the boat. Rifaf bay was waiting them and helped Sanem to step in.

S: "Wowww. Can it's very big and beautiful. "

C: "This is my baba's yacht, Sanem. My sailboat is under reparations because it's been docked long time and I haven't had time to sail with it in the last 10 months. "

Can thanked the driver and told him to take Rifaf home. After loosening the moorings, he went to deck bridge and together with Sanem they set sail.


Sanem was really overwhelmed to be in the yacht. It meant a big adventure to her; she had never sailed and now she was there beside Can controlling the boat wheel. It was like being heaven apart from problems and most of all, alone with Can just with her, no sharing him with anyone.

Can was happy and satisfied that his plan had worked and that they both could have dinner, the night and the next day off from work to relax together and alone without distractions. The week had been really stressing and considering that since that disastrous Friday when Sanem was kidnapped, they had had very roller-coaster days, they needed it. The press in the morning because of Polen and Huma games, the Police Station and for last scaping from reporters was like being part of a movie that he yearned to switch off and just enjoy his love for Sanem, his one and only.

C: "Are you okay, Sanemsi? "

S: "I'm simply so startled to be here with you Can, I can't believe we're alone away from paparazzis or reporters and all that stuff. At which moment did you or me become so famous that press is interested in us that way, Can? "

C: "Your Kidnapp Sanem, it was the begin and a trial is always a gossip topic that sells newspapers Sanem, don't forget it. Before it gets later let's call your mother I promised her, we'd call when we were here. "

S: "What? My mother also knows this plan? "

C: "Yesss, your family supported me and you know how your mother loves me totally, don't you? I don't know how you are so surprised, askim? And saying so he kissed her in her cheek. "

S: "Oh, my charming fiancée is delighting my family. Alright let's call them. "

Ring ring ring

Mek: "Leyla, it's Sanem and Can. They must be already in the boat. Yes, darling. How are you?"

S: "I'm fine anne. We are in the yacht finally because we had to run since I arrived in the airport and also afterwards, trying to hide us from reporters' mum. We even bought new clothes and changed them so they couldn't identify us, like if we were in a persecution movie..." (Sanem laughed).

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