Part 46

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Oz: "You don't know who it could be? "

Ozg: "Off course not, but surely, I will soon know it. We don't have any trouble with vendors or have received any customers complaint, have we? "

Oz: "I wouldn't hide it from you Özgür, but also in case we had any trouble you know that I call always immediately our lawyer Anil Duyar at to get through those topics. I have no idea wo could be your visitor, to be honest. "

Ozg: "Im going to attend the person if you want you can join afterwards... what do you say? "

Oz: "I still have here some tasks to finish. Maybe... "

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Özgür goes to terrace where his guest is waiting him and a big surprise awaits him in this reunion...

Ozg: "Merhaba, ... YOU HERE? "

Def: "Merhaba, Özgür! How are you?"

Ozg: "DEFNE, I'm really glad to see you again."

Both old child friends embraced and greeted themselves, Özgür gave a kiss at his friend cheek. They were very happy meeting again.

Ozg: "I can't believe that you are here in Istambul and back, Defne. How long have you been abroad?"

Def: "Almost 12 years from now ago, Özgür. I see that you got your restaurant.... Wow. Tebrikler arkadaş! I remember you at school, how you used to say you gonna have a business of your own, and you got it. And your parents, how are they? And what about your abi Akif?"

Ozg: "It was hard to get be here; I was lucky I could join to my friend Ozan that is a great chef in cooking and we began the business. As for my family everything is fine, they moved to Ankara some years ago, and my brother Akif isn't in Istambul, he lives in Germany. Nazliiiii, please!"

N: "Yes sir!"

Ozg: "Please bring us çay. Or you prefer coffee, Defne?"

N: "Turkish çay, please"

Ozg: "What about your family and your sisters are they still in Istambul or your dad obliged to go with you to London, too?"

Def: "My parents are now in Canada, one of my sisters Zeynep married a Scottish man and has got 2 children they live in London, my other sister is in South Africa working as doctor for a charitable organization and I was in Munich working in a newspaper, but they transferred me here back home. "

Ozg: "And couple? Not because... you didn't want any man to disturb your, objectives, correct Defne?"

Def: "Evet and hayr, I had a long relationship but my Japanese boyfriend and me we parted, we didn't have same point of view about future and also religion, it was very complicated for me, because he was Buddhist. "

Ozg: "Japanese boyfriend in Germany Munich and besides Buddhist? Woww Defne!!! How could you, allah, allah. I guess your parents were against such relationship..."

Def: "True totally, it was very complicated in the beginning because my family refused and prohibited me to go out with him, but since I was very far from them, I could continue with relationship, but my family even stopped talking to me and my father blackmailed and threatened to disinherit me, you can't imagine how difficult it was. After almost 2 years they finally gave up. Now they are even celebrating that we parted and finished relationship. And you? I see, you haven't got a GF but I saw some of your photos in IG with a special friend.

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