Part 16

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Hello everyone,

I just want to say a BIG thank you for reading this story.

Let me know your opinion. 🙏

You are more Canem or Özgem? Who will definitely have Sanem's heart?


Sanem got downstairs to meet Özgür at the building entrance, at reception he gave her a kiss in her cheek, but she realised that had forgotten her bag at office, so again she rushed through Friki Harika to reach her table and get it. She was stressed because Özgür was waiting for her at reception and she went so distracted and in a hurry that when she turned in the hall WHAMM she collided with Can and both fell on the floor. Can lost balance because with his plastered broken arm he couldn't avoid from falling. She was over him and their faces were very close, Can smelled her perfume and they got embarrassed.

S: Sorry Can, I didn't see you!

Can couldn't reply because her scent made him disconnect from their position laid on the floor, Can had a very strange sensation of familiarity with her body over him and her breasts under the V t-shirt on his chest, he felt an unknown flashback, it seemed like a déjà vu, he couldn't move much with only one free arm, but when they tried to get up, again their heads hit. Very funny situation both trying to get up, not being able to do it and getting more tangled than before, which ended with both laughing of the tension and goosebumps they both felt. Derem came to help them stand up, Can couldn't manage himself much with his broken arm. CeyCey, Lale, Leyla and Guliz, also laughed of seeing both there.

E: "Are you okay, you crashed in the middle of our hall causing traffic jam!"

Everyone begun to laugh lauder with Sanem's clumsiness but they could only think positively of this cherished girl in the office.

S: "Sorry, again! Can are you alright, your arm?"

C: "It's okay, Sanem! Thanks, Derem, I lost balance and couldn't hold..."

Oz: "Sanem!" Everything okay?"

S: "Yes, I'm alright. Özgür?"

Oz: "You took a long time to come back with your bag, so I got here..."

La: "Merhaba, Özgür! Everyone looked at Lale."

Oz: "Merhaba, Lale! How are you?"

La: "Fine thanks!"

Oz: "Are you ready Sanem? I made a reservation and we gonna be late to lunch!"

S: I'm ready, lets' go!"

Everyone looked very surprised to see this tall, handsome guy picking Sanem up. Incredible, was to see Lale talking to him. Aziz didn't like much that Sanem was leaving with the man, and looked to Derem, clearly sending her signals to go to his office and talk about what they had just seen. He called Lale to his office, too.

Can meanwhile, was trying to understand the scent smell, the feelings of her over him, the flashback in his mind, that all was a mess in his thoughts and to worsen things watch her leaving with that man, made he feel a knot in his stomach, but he had no idea why.


Another guy around Sanem... First Onur in the meeting and now this Özgür taking her to have lunch. WTF! But I heard her talking to Derem about me... And I have got this shit amnesia, so I can't blame her from moving on, I left her and I was supposed to be with Polen... ohh the DNA test. Lale is totally right, I have to request it, I don't believe much I made up with her, she wasn't even with me in the Balkans and didn't come to help or take care of me. She didn't reply my messages after the accident and now suddenly she calls me to say she is pregnant and if it's not mine, she lives since long time ago in London and has got many friends. I don't have the feeling of being a baba. What I do know is that my heart melts when Sanem is around and I hate not remembering our relationship or our love. It was comic both of us on the floor totally messed and being uncapable of standing up (he smirked to himself).

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