Chapter 28

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"What is the matter Mahmoud? Why do you look troubled?" Fu'ad asked.

"The...the..." Mahmoud stuttered in shock.

"The who? What are you trying to say?" Fu'ad questioned confused.

"The police are downstairs." He blurted, panting.

"The police?" Fu'ad said skeptical. "But why are they here? And what do they want?"

"I have no idea as to that." Mahmoud replied nervously.

"Relax okay? All we have to do is go down to meet them and ask why they are here, there must be a misunderstanding." Fu'ad said, heading for the door.

"I am not going anywhere." Mahmoud voiced, stopping him in his track.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me very clear Fu'ad," He said apoplectic. "I am not going anywhere to meet anybody."

Fu'ad chuckled lightly. "Look! Whatever this is all about, whether it's something bad or even worse, you brought it upon yourself. So, you'd be doing everyone good if you just calm your head and stop being stubborn." Fu'ad said with full seriousness.

"Fu'ad don't tempt me," Mahmoud warned. "I said I am going nowhere and you possibly can't force me to."

"And you think I would let you stay up here while something as grave as this is going on?" Fu'ad asked. "I won't cover up for you my friend. In fact, if you do not oblige and come with me without so much a fuss, I would personally hand you over to them and believe me when I say I would do that." He gritted sternly.

Mahmoud pondered on the outcome of what will happen if he decided to or not to go down. It might be possible that they are just here to talk about trivial matters and on the other hand, it might turn out to be something worse.

"If Habeebah has anything to do with this, then she would be so sorry for herself." He hissed, brushing past his friend.

"You still don't get it, do you?" Fu'ad huffed a sigh, striding behind him.

Three police officers stood by the counter, conversing with the secretary. On sighting Mahmoud, she gestured them to him.

"Good day Officers, what a surprise!" Fu'ad greeted warmly, stretching out his hand for a shake. They politely clasped theirs with his, returning the gesture.

"To what do we owe this visit?" He asked, gesturing to the receptionist to give them some privacy. She understood and scurried off to another office.

"We are from Area Command Division Sir." One of them pulled out his ID, showing it to them both. "Mr. Mahmoud Jalo, you are under arrest for trespassing and harassment of Mrs. Habeebah Hassan Ribadu." The man said, professionally.

Mahmoud let out a laugh. "You must be mistaken Officers. I am a gentleman, why would I harass a woman I don't know?" He asked lying.

"It is not our job to clarify that sir, we are under instructions to arrest you. Please kindly follow us to the station." Another office, who goes by the name Bala Dikko said.

"I go nowhere." Mahmoud spat. "Where is your arrest warrant huh? You can't just come here to arrest me without it!"

"Here it is." Bala Dikko brought out a piece of paper, handing it to Fu'ad. Turning to Mahmoud, he said. "Sir, we do not want to handcuff you. Just kindly come with us."

"Are you threatening me?" Mahmoud clamoured.

"I apologize for his conduct." Fu'ad solemnly said, glaring at Mahmoud. "We would come with you."

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