Chapter 36

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Happy new year!🙌❤
Yeah, I know it's late but c'mon it's still 12th. That aside, I am wishing you all the best it has to offer.

This chappie is full of confessions😉 and, I am not sure if I did it right but anyways😊, carry on.

‘Being in love makes you inspired. It gives a can-do attitude that you can approach anything, anywhere, anytime.’ These were the words Habeebah kept singing into Farouk’s ear the whole week. After their conversation the other day, he made up his mind to let Siddiqah know about his feelings. Throughout the week, they spoke only on phone due to their busy schedules. He had mapped out their perfect dinner with the help of Suhaib and his sisters. Yes, Humairah was well aware of it and the woman couldn’t contain her happiness. They had to plead with her not to tell their parents knowing too well, that she is a chatterbox.

Habeebah noticed him developing cold feet and trying to discard the whole thing away and each time, she asked if he was rethinking his decision, he would deny it. Suhaib had booked a table for them at the famous Homtel Derivative and Suites for a dinner on Saturday which was today. Farouk was well informed of the arrangements made but, whenever he spoke to Siddiqah, he said nothing about the dinner.

It took a resounding slap from Habeebah before he was able to tell her which, she was more than delighted to tag along. Today being Saturday, there was no work to be done at the office so, he was at home all locked up in his room. Umma began to get worried as she hasn’t set her eyes on him since morning but, Suhaib calmed her nerves that he was doing fine. Meanwhile, he wasn’t. He was a total wreck. He knew at any minute his siblings would come through that door to see if he has gotten ready. His plan was to bail on the dinner and feign being sick.

‘Siddiqah would understand, she is very sensible.’ He voiced confidently. And just as he was reminiscing on his plan, he heard their chatter from the hallway. Hastily burying himself under the duvet, he shut his eyes hearing the door open.

“He must be ready by now.” Came Suhaib’s voice, indicating he was the first to step into the room. “Or not.” He scowled on seeing the state he was in. “C’mon man, get up. You have an hour before it’s time to go pick up Siddiqah.” He moved to the bed, pulling the duvet away from his body.

Farouk hissed, clutching onto his stomach. “About that,” He began explaining, groaning with intense pain. “I don’t think I’ll be able to go again. My tummy is aching badly.”

“When did it start? What did you eat?” Suhaib asked worried.

“Since this morning, it’s unbearable.” He winced. He was praying to God that his paln works out and they weren’t able to notice that he was lying. However, Habeebah stood by the door watching the drama as it unfolds, shaking her head, trying hard to bit back a laugh. Knowing who her brother was, she wasn't surprised that he would try to cook up excuses or stories so he could bail out on the dinner. Farouk peeked an eye open to what her reaction was but saw amusement written all over her face.

“Sis, what are we going to do? I don’t think he is in the right state to go.”

Habeebah cleared her throat before replying. “What we are going to do is that you get up and pick out his outfit for the date.”

“But he isn’t doing fine.” Suhaib argued.

“Really?” She raised a brow. “Couldn’t you come up with a better lie than this Farouk? I can’t believe you fell for his act Suhaib, I thought you were smarter than this.” Habeebah added concealing disappointment.

Suhaib looked to her in utter confusion. “I do not understand what you are driving at sis, what act are you talking about?”

She huffed, rolling her eyes before explaining. “Isn’t it obvious that he is putting on an act? That this is some pretense of his? If I could remember vividly, Farouk barely gets stomach aches and even if he does, it always leads to unconsciousness. So, what suddenly changed? Why is today different?”

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