Chapter 34

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Bukar felt annoyed and completely frustrated with himself. Yes, he was one who couldn’t voice out his feelings. But it is now much worse especially when it came to Habeebah. It normally seems like his senses switches off and words get stuck somewhere and don’t want to come out. He called Kabeer to drop by his house, saying he had something important to discuss urgently. He knew sooner or later, he had to let it out or he would explode. He arrived home to meet the house all quiet and serene, wondering where the boys might be. It was unlike them to be at home and not get all lousy. Hopping out from his vehicle, Danladi his gateman came to greet him.

“Welcome back Sir.” He bowed lightly.

“Thank you Danladi, how are you doing today?” Bukar asked.

“I am doing fine.”

“I am glad to hear that. Are the boys not home yet? I don’t see their car anywhere.” He asked, looking at the garage.

“No sir, they’re in. They arrived an hour ago. Ayman packed the car there.” Danladi replied, pointing to the water fountain.

“Okay, I was wondering why the house is quiet.”

“Maybe they’re doing something that doesn’t warrant noise or probably asleep.” Danladi shrugged, with a smile.

“Alright, thank you.” He nodded, heading into the house.

On walking into the living room, he met it empty. He then thought ‘Perhaps they are in their sitting room. Heading there, Bukar gasped at the sight before him. “What the hell happened here!?” He yelled which jolted Ayman from his slumber. He stared wide eyed at his now fuming dad, quickly getting up from the couch.

“Oh dad! You are here.” He hastily stood straight, nervously coughing. “Ashraf? Ashraf wake up! Dad is back!” He kept tapping his younger brother.

Ashraf whined. “Dad isn’t back yet, remember he went to drop aunt off. Please leave me alone, let me sleep some more.” He turned, cuddling onto one of the chair pillows.

“I suggest you listen to your brother and get up this minute!” Bukar thundered, glaring holes into their heads. Ashraf jumped up from the chair on hearing his voice.

“You’re really here. Welcome home dad.” He said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“What is this? Why is my house in a mess?” Bukar asked, disgusted by how disorganized the living room looked. Cans of drinks, empty bottles, plates, leather wraps of sweets and chocolates were littered in different places. And wait_

“Is that a pot I see there?” He was boiling with rage. “None of you has answered my question!”

Ashraf shivered, it was no good when their father gets upset. “Dad we slept off after our meal, that’s why the living room is littered.”

“Did you feed a raccoon? Because unless that, I see no reason why this place should be this way if you boys ate your meal properly. Are you children or adults? Where are your manners? Even children don’t make a mess this much.”

“We apologize dad.” They chorused sullenly.

“Your sorry won’t clean this place up. For goodness sake you are now grownups, I didn’t bring you up to be this dirty and unorganized. I am going upstairs to freshen up and before I come back, I want these things out of this place or else,” He said, angrily making his way up the stairs. “Nonsense!”

Ashraf keenly watched till he was out of sight before releasing a breath. “Wow! Bro, I haven’t seen him get this angry since we returned from school.”

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