Chapter 43

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Yes, she said yes!

“When next do I get to see you?” Bukar asked Habeebah with great hope; that her reply wouldn’t be ‘On Monday, at work.’”

“On Monday, at work.” Habeebah replied, heaving out a sigh of relief. She leaned by her car, staring out the now void gathering.

“Tsk!” He grinded his teeth. “I dreaded that response, I kind of knew it’d be your answer.”
“Then why let me say so?” She asked laughing. Bukar watched her with great interest, mesmerized by her features once again. She was no doubt a beautiful woman and, he was more than happy to have her.

“Because you have the right to choose.” He answered chuckling.

A choice? That was something she never had with her ex-husband. He made all of the decisions. No matter how small or big, he made each and every one of it. An autocratic ruler, he made himself. Wanting nothing but for his subjects to bend to his will, giving orders like it was his purpose.

They had this conversation a few days ago, at a Humanitarian event organized by the Governor’s wife for women empowerment. Habeebah was invited. Yet this time, she didn’t go there as a lawyer instead she was there as the Founder of Save a’ Soul Foundation.

“It is with great honour and grace that I stand before this highly esteemed gathering.” She had said on that day. Ilhaam, Bukar, Aarif, Melissa, Helen, Zahraddeen and Ahmad were very much proud and overjoyed to accompany her. Habeebah is a star, and stars do shine. She had shun that day like the brightest in the galaxy.

It has been two weeks since she said yes to Bukar’s proposal. How she did so, feels a little fuggy yet, all she could recollect was that it happened one morning at work. That day, it felt like her body was on automobile because it was controlling her mind. It practically did anything it wished. She was sane and well, yet, all she did that day was half-consciously. She had arrived her office to a card and a bouquet of flowers which she hadn’t been expecting.     

Dropping her bag and going around her desk, she picked up the card in wonder. “Who would have sent these?” Low and behold, Bashir was encrypted on it. “Bukar.” She chuckled. ‘This man is too much.’ She thought, a bright smile on her face. 

‘I wake up every day hoping and wishing to see your face because, it is what brightens my day. Thinking, everything, gets difficult for me to do if I do not. Cheesy, I know. God! I really am bad at letters.

Okay, here it goes. If you are reading this Habeebah, I want you to know that you are in my heart and thoughts every single time. I am super proud of who you are becoming and I trust that you have greater heights to reach. This is me wishing you a blissful and splendid day ahead. Do take care.  ~Bashir.’

She read the card over 50times and each time she did, she was full on blush. Habeebah found the words cute, she was lost in her daydream that she didn’t hear him walk in. ‘How did he get idea of sending this?’ She silently, asked herself.

“If this is responsible for that priceless smile you have there,” He said, pointing to the card. “I guess I’d have to be sending it every day.” Bukar smiled, feeling a bit giddy. He was on edge and nervous although, in a good way. And yet, he didn’t know why.

“Oh hey!” She said, exhaling heavily. “I didn’t hear you walk in.” She added, stylishly dropping the card on the bouquet.

“You were quite busy and it is understandable. Even if you did try to not be, you wouldn’t have heard anyways.” He replied, smirking.

“Are you teasing me Bukar?” She asked, raising a brow. “Need I remind you; that my sense of hearing is still as good, and perfect as it always has been.” A smile still perched on her lips, she headed for the dispenser to get hot water intending to make them tea. Okay now, making tea sounds like a way of invitation of some sort right?

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