Chapter 4

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"You kids should come down quickly or you will be late." Habeebah yelled coming out of the kitchen.

"Maami how do I look?" Aaliyah asked her mom twirling around in a blueberry boulevard dress.

"You look fabulous my love." Habeebah said giving her a warm smile.

"And don't I look fabulous too?" Hanaan asked from behind her sister pouting. She was putting on a pink chiffon ruffle dress with a matching head band.

"You look like a model." She said caressing her cheek "And where is your brother?" She asked them both.

"He will be down in a minute, in the mean time I'll take that to the car." Aaliyah told her mom referring to the basket containing food on the dinning table.

"Maami I will go with her too." Hanaan said nervously which didn't go unnoticed by Habeebah. As they both turned to leave Habeebah stopped them.

"What is up with both of you? Is there something you are not telling me?" She asked them worryingly.

"Erm Maami it's uh...well nothing really." Aaliyah replied stuttering.

"Actually Maami the thing is Adnaan said he wouldn't be coming with us to Aunt Humairah's house but he didn't tell us why." Hanaan said. It had become a tradition for the kids to spend the weekend with her elder sister's family.

"Okay go and wait in the car, I'll be with you shortly." She said receiving a nod from both. Habeebah thought to herself what might have changed his mind, yesterday he was so happy because he will get to see his cousin and best friend Affan, Humairah's son.

"Adnaan my boy?" She called out to him as she entered his room. There is a large bed in the middle of the room, all four walls are painted his favourite colour blue, a walk-in closet, standing mirror at the far end of the room, a couch and a balcony outside his window. It also had the same cologne scent like his father's.

"Yes Maami, is anything the matter?" He said exiting the bathroom.

"Why the sudden change of mind? You were happy about it yesterday, so what happened?" She asked her son.

"I don't just feel like going anymore." He replied plainly walking to his closet.

"You can't just tell me you don't feel like it, there's must be something and I demand to know." She said deadpan.

"I don't want to leave you all alone with Father, what if he does something to you again like the last time." He sighed palming his face. How could she ever forget that day? Even if the wounds heal, the scar would always serve as a reminder. It was just like today, the kids were at Humairah's for the weekend. He had left for work earlier in the morning and Hajara was at a friend's, so she was left all alone at home. She was in the living room watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn and a can of soda when he barged in.

"Welcome back." She greeted abruptly standing up fidgeting with her fingers nervously. He didn't even spare her a glance before staggering upstairs, she thought to herself, "Was he drunk?". She headed for the kitchen to set the table when she heard sound of shattering glasses. Running upstairs to where the sound was coming from, she found herself in his room.

"Subhanallah, what has come over you please put yourself together." She pleaded with him.

"Ever since i got married to you, nothing has been good for me. You don't want my progress huh, you don't want to see me successful isn't it?" He barked.

"What are you saying Mahmoud? You know I always wish well for you." She said crying.

"No you don't, you don't wish well for me, if only Dad allowed me get married to the woman I love then my life would have been much better." He replied smiling sheepishly.

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