Chapter 5

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"By Allah if I see that man ever again, I wouldn't think twice before killing him." Farouk, Habeebah's younger brother and the third born of their family said angrily pounding his fist on the bumper of his car. Farouk was a young man of 30 years, as the first son of the family he took it upon himself to protect and cater for everyone in the family. He runned most of his father's businesses and was very successful at it. While they were young, Habeebah and him were much closer to each other than the rest of their siblings, they always confide in each other and seek advice from themselves.

"You know Suhaib?" He asked his younger brother. "I am the worst brother on earth, I couldn't see through my sister's pains. My sister has been suffering for 13 years in that horrible marriage with that beast of a man and she didn't bother telling anyone not even me." Farouk said sadly.

"What should she have told you?" Humairah interrupted them both from the hospital doorway. Earlier on when Hajara called to inform her about the situation, she also didn't know who to call for assistance, she did everything possible to not give a hint to the children. If she called mother, the matter would intensify, so she decided to call both her brothers to come help.

"What would she have told you huh? That she wasn't happy? That her husband has been maltreating her? That she wasn't being catered for? Is that what she should have said?" She questioned. "No my dear she couldn't tell us that, as a woman she had to tolerate it to save her marriage, but what surprises me is that Habeebah being a lawyer still kept quiet and tolerated all those abuses." Humairah replied disappointedly. They all stood ruminating on their thoughts when a nurse came.

"The doctor request you see him immediately." She said to them. They followed her lead to the doctor's office and immediately they were in, he began.

"I am sorry to say her situation is very critical, she lost alot of blood, we also found bits of glasses in her head and that would require an operation to be removed. We are trying our best and we also want you to support us with prayers. We have placed her on stabilizers but it would take time before she regains consciousness, all I need from you now is to sign these papers so we can commence with the operation and make payment afterwards." Dr Habib said to them. Suhaib signed the papers and headed to the cash counter to make the payment. Humairah couldn't help but cry her eyes out, all efforts by Farouk to calm her down proved abortive. He was also shattered by the news but had to stay strong.

"The matter is beyond our control now, we should inform dad about it." He said to his sister who just nodded still weeping. He put a call through to his Dad and within thirty minutes he was at the hospital with their Mom tagging along crying.

"Where is my daughter?" Umma asked clutching his shirt. "I am asking you a question Farouk, where is she?" She yelled again when she got no response.

"Umma please calmn down, she has been taken to the operation theatre." He said trying to make her sit.

"Don't tell me that, my daughter is battling between life and death and you're telling me to calm down?" She asked still crying. "This is all your fault Hassan, if only you had listened to me back then when I pleaded with you not to let Habeebah get married to that boy, all this won't be happening." Umma said wiping her tears. "Where is Humairah?" She asked Farouk.

"She's in the doctor's office." He replied her before she left to look for Humairah.

"How did this happen?" Baba asked his son. Farouk told him everything he knew but before he could finish, Baba was out of the hospital. He ran after Baba but he was already in his car, telling his driver to zoom off to God knows where.

After about twenty minutes drive, Baba  reached his destination. As he entered the magnificent mansion, he was greeted by the staffs but paid them no heed.

"Where is your father?" He asked Ahmad, Mahmoud's younger brother as he stepped into the living room.

"Good evening uncle." He greeted. "Father is upstairs, I will go call him right away." The young man said sauntering away to call his Dad. Within few minutes, he was back with his father.

"Welcome my good friend, to what do I owe this visit?" Abdulwahab Jalo asked Baba.

"If I had known that your son was a beast, I wouldn't have given my daughter's hand in marriage to him. Pass this message to him, if anything happens to my daughter, I won't spare him and that is a promise." Baba said through clenched teeth storming out of the house leaving Abdulwahab confused.

"Tell Mahmoud I demand to see him immediately." Abdulwahab told Ahmad before heading to his study.

Immediately he was informed that his father wanted to see him, he wasted no time in getting to their house.

"Salaam father, you asked to see me?" Mahmoud said as he entered the study.

"Yeah I did, what happened between you and your wife?" He asked his son.

"Like?....uhmm.....we....are doing fine." He lied blatantly looking everywhere but not his father.

"Look son I have no time for incoherent statements, speak straight to me I demand to know what happened between you two that landed her in the hospital." Abdulwahab clamoured. His voice caught his wife's attention and she immediately ran out to the study leaving what she was doing in the kitchen.

"Dear what happened? Why are you angry?" Hajiya Jameelah, Mahmoud's mother asked her husband.

"You should ask this son of yours that, ask him what he did to his wife. As you were growing up, have you ever seen me raise my hand to you mom? Answer me." Abdulwahab shouted angrily.

"Subhanallah Mahmoud, is your father saying the truth? Did you raise your hand to Habeebah?" His mother asked on the verge of tears.

"No mother actually it's not what you think, she just fell from the stairs that's all." He lied again.

"You have not only disgraced yourself but me also. If you truly claim that she fell from the stairs, what are you doing here? Why are you not with her at the hospital?" Abdulwahab asked.

"Well....erm....uhmm....ehnn....the thing is that when I got your message, I rushed down here to meet you." He replied.

"I am ashamed to call you my son what do you take me for, a kid? Hassan was here earlier and he told me everything, I also spoke with her elder sister Humairah and she confirmed the same and still you're blatantly lying to my face. Look I'll ask you one last time it's either you tell me or face my wrath." Abdulwahab said impassively.

"Father she raised her voice to me and all I did was hit her, nothing much." He said shrugging. Before he knew it Abdulwahab slapped him three times across his face.

"Get out of my house, out before I kill you." Abdulwahab told him. He knew very well what his father can be like, so he obediently left the house.

"Can you see, he has no shame. He was even bold enough to tell me the disgusting thing he did. How do I face my friend, what do I tell him?" Abdulwahab lamented, all this while Hajiya Jameelah was crying.

Tohh fah there's fire on the mountain🔥🔥🔥
Mahmoud what have you done🙆.....
Okay guys don't forget the usual......
Graçias my people.......
Love you loads❤❤❤


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