Chapter 44

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Standing in front of someone you never would have thought you would set your eyes upon again, is a different kind of feeling. In some instances, if the encounter between you and that someone ended in a good way; there’s a possibility of it being less awkward. In other scenarios, if the history between you and that certain someone isn’t something to write home about, then the reunion would definitely be awkward and uncomfortable.

Habeebah stared at Mahmoud, feeling no emotion towards the man. She was meant to hate and despise him for all the despicable things he had made her pass through in life and the ordeals he put her through but, she found herself not doing so. You know, when you have made up the mind to delete someone from the whole of your existence, you tend not to care or at the slightest, think about them anymore. Because to you, they do not exist.

Mahmoud was a past she never would have dreamt of seeing after everything yet, here he was, standing in her father’s compound, oozing of that one aura. Pride. It was glued to him like a second skin and, it still amazes her that over the years, he hasn’t made the intent to scrub it off. 

“Good day Habeebah.” He greeted, smiling more than he ever does.

“Okay, that looks very malicious. I don’t trust this man.” Suhaib whispered behind her. She hadn’t even realized that they also followed her down to see him. She had come down with Hanan, only as the little girl wouldn’t let go of her.

“My sweet child, how are you doing?” Mahmoud asked, beaming at the girl as he moved towards her. “You have grown up so big.” He added.

“Oh great!” Humairah scoffed, staring him down.

Hanan cowered behind her mother, holding on tight to her waist. Mahmoud stopped on the act, the welcome new to him. She was ever the most agile to want to see him and now, all he sees is what, fear? “Are you scared of Daddy? Come say Hi to me my child.”

“That is a ridiculous question coming from you Mr. Jalo.” Farouk replied, stepping forward menacingly.

Mahmoud sighed, how did he forget about them? The hawks she has as brother, they really wouldn’t make things easy for him. They never have. “Good day brother in-law.”

“You mean ex-brother in-law?” Suhaib corrected, glaring at him. “You should use the appropriate noun Sir.” He added, mockingly.

“Enough with these charade and pretense Mahmoud, why are you here?” Humairah inputted, fed up with his old act.

“I don’t mean to cause any trouble, I am just here for the kids.” He answered, stuffing his hands into those damn pockets. One of those features that never dies.

Habeebah hadn’t uttered a single word since she stood, she knew her siblings were sure going to speak for her and it’d definitely uproar into a chaos which she wouldn’t want the kids to see.

Crouching on her knees to Hanan’s level, she grasped her face splattering kisses all over it. The girl was scared to her marrow that she was practically shivering and it was all thanks to Mahmoud. “Sweetie, you’re my brave child yeah?” Habeebah asked receiving a nod. “Be strong for Mami, nothing is going to happen okay?” She gave a nod again, hugging Habeebah. “It’s okay, it’s going to be fine.” She soothed her. “Adnan?” She called the young lad.

He stared head on, glaring acridly at the man he so much looked like. The resemblance was so vivid but the attitude, was far from each other. He re-watched everything that happened in his mind, from the little hits to broken glasses; he saw red. He was so into the moment that he didn’t hear his name being called.

“Adnan!?” Habeebah called again, this time a bit louder.

“Yes M…mam…mi.” He spluttered breaking out from his reverie.

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