Authors Note

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Okay, hello everyone. So just gonna say a few things before we begin. Which is a normal thing in my books btw, just one big AN at the beginning and smaller ones scattered at the ends of a few chapters. But anyway. This book is the second book in the series, so please go read the first one We Can be Heroes before you read this one. Other than that please read this (or don't) and then enjoy.

1: For those of you who don't know, I suffer from anxiety much like Virgil. It tends to affect my writing in multiple different ways and sometimes it will get to me and I may have to take a break from writing or publishing to take a moment for myself. Please be respectful of this.

2: So I know some authors on Wattpad will downplay anxiety attacks so it doesn't trigger their audience and thank you to all authors who do that and consider their audience while writing anxiety attacks but I don't always do that. Anxiety attacks are written differently depending on which character is having them (because multiple characters in the book will suffer from anxiety at different levels of severity in this book) and they'll be written differently depending on what triggered them and how severe they are. I will always put warnings in when a chapter will feature an anxiety attack but I have given up trying to downplay them because I'm just not able to. I try to write anxiety in a very real way because I have seen comments before where people will say "That's an anxiety attack? That's nothing, that's easy, it's not a big deal" and it isn't easy. Anxiety and every other mental illness is a very serious thing and I really don't wanna see comments like that.

3: I can't draw, like at all. So, if you have any cool fanart that you want to be featured in this story go ahead and message me. I will post a picture of your art in a chapter and if you have a social media account or a website that you use to show your art I don't mind linking that with a chapter either. We're all artists here. Wattpad is a community of artists and we're not competing against each other. We're a team, we're supposed to help each other up and I will gladly help someone get their art out there.

4: Below is just a reminder of some of the character's powers, ages, sexuality's, pronouns, who they're dating/married to, and pasts. Also, I came up with names for our heroes so yay!


Roman Prince (AKA, The Royal Element): 20 at the beginning of book one, 21 at the end of book one. 22 at the beginning of book two. Gay. He/Him. Ability to create forcefields (think Steven Universes bubble) ability to control the elements (Fire, water, air, earth, and vine) Has been mentioned that air is harder to control than the other elements. Dating Virgil Griffin. His past: was in an abusive romantic relationship in Sophmore year of high school which made Roman hesitant about dating years afterward. His brother suffered from anorexia which ended up taking a toll on his whole family. 

Patton Hart (AKA Ambrosia): 21 at the beginning and end of book one. 22 at the beginning of book two. Gay. He/Him. Ability to heal others, ability to create portals to places he's visited before. Dating Logan Berry. His past: lived in a homophobic/transphobic household, when he came out as gay at the end of his senior year his parents badly injured him. His siblings held back his parents while he ran to Roman's house for help. His brother was diagnosed with cancer in Patton's Junior year.

Logan Berry (AKA Professor T): 21 at the beginning and end of book one. 22 at the beginning of book two. Pan. He/Him. Telekinesis and Technopathy (ability to control technology). Dating Patton Hart. His past: His biological father left when his mother became pregnant with him. When he was three his mother met and married a military man named Jason Eros who became Logan's father figure and the man he called 'Dad'. In his senior year of high school, Jason was killed in the field of battle three days before coming home.

Virgil Griffin (Previously Known As Shadow Master): 20 at the beginning of book one. 21 at the end of book one and beginning of book two. Gay. He/Him. Ability to control shadows. Dating Roman Prince. His past: His parents and newborn baby sister passed away in a car accident or at the hospital after the accident. He was adopted by two supervillains (Remus and Janus) four years later who slowly became abusive as time went on. One of his best friends committed suicide in his senior year, another ghosted him after discovering he was a supervillain, and the last he lost contact with after they both went their separate ways after high school before being reunited with her later on.

Remington 'Remy' Nox (AKA Sleep OR Sandman): 21 when you meet him in book one. 22 at the beginning of book two. Bisexual though is usually more attracted to males than females. He/Him Can create 'Sleep Dust' which can cause anybody who breathes it in (or touches it if he wants it to) to fall asleep. It can also cause someone to have a good dream, a nightmare, or no dreams at all. Can shapeshift (Originally given the powers to change his size like Antman but has been changed). Dating Unnamed Male. His past: A friend of his (same one Virgil had) committed suicide a year after he graduated high school. Rest to be revealed.

Remus Sanders-Green (AKA The Duke): 42. Gay. He/Him Ability to teleport himself and anything or anyone he is touching while teleporting. Telepathy. Married to Janus Sanders-Green. His past: To be revealed

Janus Sanders-Green (AKA Deceit): 43 Bisexual. He/Him. Ability to create illusions that trick all five senses. Ability to turn invisible. Married to Remus Sanders-Green. His past: To be revealed.

And then there's Emile but you guys don't get to know a lot about him yet since he was only introduced at the end of book two in the epilogue.

Emile (Oliver) Picani: 23 at the beginning of book two. Pansexual. He/Him

That's all you get to know.

5: I have created several OC's for this book and the book before this one. Lets put it this way though. If they're not sides I created them. If I ever introduce an OC that I'll be using more then once and has relevance to the story then I will say so at the end of the first chapter they show up in.

I seriously have no idea why any of you read my garbage! But that's it for this author's note and I'll see all of you later. Enjoy the book as best as you can and remember that you are a beautiful amazing human being that deserves greatness!

(Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Emile, Remy, Janus, and Remus are all characters created by Thomas Sanders. They are not my characters please go see some of Thomas's videos if you haven't already and if you have, then go re-watch them because they're really good)

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