My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 12

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Ashley's P.O.V.

Just as Dylan was about to finish his sentence, somebody opens up the front door. Dylan gets off the bed and heads to the door to see who opened it. I stand up and walk to the doorway. I see Luke come in with Ryan and a guy. I frown...who the fuck is this guy? Luke walks up to me and he says, "Did you sleep well?" I nod my head and I hear somebody gasp. Luke turns around and I see that the unknown guy has his mouth wide open. I laugh at his face and then the guy closes his mouth and Luke says to me, "Can you wait for me in the bedroom?" I pout but then I turn around and make my way into Luke's room. I sat on the bed...thinking about who that guy was. Fifteen minutes later, the door opens to reveal Luke; he steps into the room and he stands in front of me and he says, "Come with me."

Luke holds out his hand so I placed my hand in his and he helps me up. I tried to get my hand back but he squeezes it and says, "Let me hold your hand please." He looks at me so I nod my head and he leans towards me and kisses me on the lips. He leads me out the door and I see the unknown guy sitting on the couch. The guy stands up and Luke says to us, "Ashley this is my brother Brian; Brian this is Ashley." I was shocked, I never knew that Luke has a brother and then Luke says, "The reason that you and the fans don't know about Brian is that I never told anybody about him." Well, that makes sense but what if Brian wanted to be known but then I hear somebody say, "I didn't want to be known as Luke's older brother." Brian is Luke's older brother? Brian walks up to me and once when he was in front of me, he says to Luke, "May I shake her hand?" 

I look up at Luke and I see he's nodding his head so I look at Brian and I see his hand. I shake it and Brian says, "It's nice to meet you Ashley." I smile and say, "Nice to meet you too." After we shook hands, Brian says to Luke, "Can I talk to you outside?" Luke tells Brian to go and wait outside and then Luke takes me into his room. Once we were in his room, Luke says, "Stay here babe." I sigh a little, I was getting really tired of being told to stay but then Luke says, "Babe, if you do this for me I'll do whatever you want for the rest of today." I grin at that and say, "You promise?" Luke nods his head so I say, "I'll stay here." Luke kisses my lips and then he heads out the door so I sit down on the bed and wait for Luke to come back. 

Luke's P.O.V.

I'm sure I will regret telling Ashley that I would do whatever she wanted for the rest of today. After I kissed Ashley on the lips, I left the room to find out what my brother wanted. I walked outside to find Brian waiting for me with a pissed off look on his face. I don't say anything knowing that would just piss him off more and then he says, "Do you know that Ashley's family is looking for her? That if the cops find out that she is with you, you will go to jail?" I don't say anything and then Brian says, "Why the fuck is she here?!" I was getting tired of Brian yelling at me so I say, "The reason she's fucking here is because she's my fucking mate!" Brian had a shocked look on his face and he says, "I didn't know...I'm sorry." 

I smile a little and say, "So now you know why I can't let her go." We went back inside and I went back to my mate. When I opened up the door to my room, I saw Ashley sitting on my bed. She stands up when she sees me...I walk up to her and I pull her into my arms. I wrap my arms around her tightly and I whisper, "I missed you." I let go of her shortly after and I hear Ashley whisper, "I missed you too." I grin at that and say, "Now what do you want me to do for you?" I see a smile spread on Ashley's face...oh shit, not good and then she says, "I want you to get me some popcorn so we can watch a movie together." I was shocked...I figured Ashley would've said something else so I say, "Alright, I'll get the popcorn, you get the movie." I gave a quick kiss to Ashley before I left the room. 

I ran out the room and into the kitchen to quickly make the popcorn. I really wanted to get back to Ashley. After the microwave went off indicating it was done, I pulled it out and grabbed a bowl. I turned around to face Ashley...I jumped a little and say, "Holy shit you scared me." She smiles and says, "Sorry its just you were taking too long." I smile and follow her back into my room. When we arrived in my room I saw that Ashley was sitting on the floor so I sat down beside her. I looked at her...she was so interested in the movie that she never realized I was looking at her. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, she looked at me then and I whisper, "Hello, beautiful." She smiles at me and whispers back, "Hello, handsome." I grin at that and just as I was about to speak, I hear Ashley whisper, "Kiss me already." 

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