My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 23

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I decided to go ahead and help out with the shipment. I didn't want Drake, who's a new guy at this, to try and figure out where everything went so I say, "I'll help him." Jeremy smiles and says, "Thank you. Don't you think you should've asked your dad first?" I shrug my shoulders and say, "I'm sure he'll understand." Jeremy nods his head and says, "Alright, thanks again. Don't forget that you both will get paid for the overtime. Also I need to leave for a while, so I'll be back later." He leaves and Drake says, "Thanks for willing to help me out." I tell him that it's no problem and he says, "Want something to drink?"

I tell him that he doesn't have to get me a pop and then he says, "I know that, but I want to." I smile and say, "You know what pop I want." Drake leaves then and he comes back two minutes later. He hands me the pop so I say my thanks and then I open it. I took a drink of it and Drake says, "Is unloading the shipment going to be hard to do?" I shrug my shoulders and say, "When it's by yourself yes; when you have somebody to help you its pretty easy." I hear Drake sigh happily so I say, "It also depends if the people know what they're doing." Drake frowns and says, "So it's going to take a while." I shrug my shoulders and say, "But it also depends on if you learn fast too." Drake nods his head and says, "I learn fast." I took a drink of my pop and then some people came in and bought things. I decided to look around at the clothing to see what was new. I saw three shirts that I would like to get but I decided to wait until the mall is about to close before I get them.

I turn around and make my way back to where Drake was at and he says, "So Ash..." I look at him and he says, "I was wondering did you really have fun last night or were you just telling me what you thought I wanted to hear?" I keep eye contact with him so he doesn't think I'm lying and I say, "I really did have fun." Drake smiles and says, "I'm glad. Did you want to hang out again?" I shake my head and say, "I need to get home after work." Drake nods his head and says, "Alright." Jeremy comes back just as Drake and I were about to close up and he says, "The meeting went longer than expected." I quickly went and grabbed the three shirts and after I used my discount, I paid for them. I put them in a bag and quickly went to help Drake. We finished so we clocked out and after I grabbed the bag, I left the mall and towards my car. I got in and drove off heading home.

I arrived home, grabbed the bag and went inside the house. I decided to drop the bag off in my room before I told dad what was going on tomorrow. I placed the bag on my bed and then I went downstairs to find dad on the couch. Dad looks up at me and says, "When did you get home?" I tell him that I just got back a few minutes ago and then after I sit down beside dad I say, "Jeremy needs me to stay for a shipment tomorrow. He hired a new employee and then new guy doesn't know what to do. Josh would've done it but he's sick." Dad sighs and says, "Did you want me or one of your brothers to drop you off and pick you up?" I shake my head and say, "I don't know what time we'll get done but I'll text you when it's done."

Dad sighs and says, "Alright, just don't forget." I stand up then and say, "I'm going to my room now." I made my way upstairs and after I walked into my room, I closed the door and locked it. I went over the bag, opened it and pulled the shirts out. I took off the shirt I was wearing and I tried on the first shirt. I tried the other two on and was happy that they fit so I put the original shirt back on and hung up the shirts. I closed the closet door and heard a knock on my door. I walked towards the door, opened it and saw my brother Max. I smile at him and he says, "Want to hang out?" I nod my head and he says, "Want to go to the park?" I haven't been there in a long time so I say, "Sure." I grab my shoes, put them on and then I follow him downstairs. Dad was still downstairs too sitting on the couch and Max says, "Were heading to the park." Dad nods his head and says, "Alright, don't be out too late, Ash needs to get her sleep." Max nods his head and we head outside and we get in Max's car. After we got in, he drives off.

We arrived at the park and after Max parked the car we got out and began to walk to the swings. We arrived at the swings and we both sat on one. I began to swing when Max says, "Why did dad say not to be out late?" I look at him and say, "Because I have a shipment to put away tomorrow." Max looks at me and shakes his head before saying, "Can't Jeremy get Josh to do it?" I shake my head and say, "Because Josh is sick and Jeremy needs somebody to show the new guy on how to put things away." Max pulls out his phone and says, "Better get you back home so you can sleep." We made our way back to Max's car and we got in and Max began to drive off. We arrived home and we both got out and made our way up to the front door. As soon as the door was opened dad tells me to head up to my room to sleep so I do. I get in my pajamas and lie down on my bed and fall asleep.

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