My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 32

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Ashley's P.O.V.

*Three Days Later*

All of us were heading to my family's home; I really wanted my dad to meet the guys. We finally arrived at the house and all of us got out including Sarah and Faith. We walked up to the house and then as soon as I had knocked on the opens and I see its dad. I hugged him tightly and he says, "I'm glad to see you." We let go of each other then and all of us went inside. I see Max and Alex on the couch and then I see a girl walk in and sit by Max. My brothers stand up and run over to me and they both hug me. After Alex hugs me, he goes to Faith and hugs her and then Max goes over to the girl. The girl stands up and they both walk over to me and Max says, "This is my girlfriend Lily."

I shake Lily's hand and then I hear my dad say, "So your Luke?" I see that dad's looking at Luke and then Luke says, "Yes sir I am." Dad sighs and says, "You love my daughter?" Luke looks at me as he says, "I love her very much. And I would like permission from you to have your daughter live with me." Dad looks hesitant but then he looks from me to Luke and then he says, "You have my permission." I was shocked that dad would say that but then dad says, "The only two reasons I'm allowing it is because I can see in both of your eyes that you two love each other and the second one is that I know Ashley will be happy with you." I smile at dad and then I walk up to him and hug him. After we hugged, dad says, "Would you like to stay here for a few days?"

I look at Luke and see he nods his head so I say, "Sure, we can stay." The guys went outside probably to get their stuff and then they came back all of them except Luke came back with one duffle bag...Luke was carrying two bags. Dad then showed the guys where they would sleep but then dad stops and says, "Ash you and Luke can sleep in your room." I nod my head and then I grabbed Luke's arm and dragged him to my room. We got into the room and I let go of Luke's arm and he placed the duffle bags on the floor and then I say, "I'm sorry for dragging you." Luke smiles at me and he says, "Its fine love. So this is your room huh?" I nod my head and then I say, "What do you think?" Luke looked around and then he says, "I really don't feel comfortable seeing posters of me." I turn to see where he was looking at and I see that I have seven different posters of him and the band and then I have three posters of just him.

*Four Days Later*

Luke decided that we should get back on the road because the guys have a concert coming up so I had to say goodbye to my family. We got everything put onto the bus so I went over to my dad and brothers. I hugged each of them and then I grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him away from everyone and I say, "I know that you and Faith are dating..." I pause just to look at his face and I see shock so I say, "I approve of it, just don't hurt her." The shock on his face disappears and then he says, "Thank you Ash." I look over at Luke and walk over to him and then I say, "We should get going."

*Nine Months Later*

The guys finished touring and I was glad to not be in a tour bus every day. Luke told me that him and the guys live together in a mansion so I say, "You don't find it creepy or weird?" Luke shakes his head and says, "We've been friends and we've been living together for a long time." We arrived at the mansion and after all of us grabbed our duffle bags we stepped outside and I then got to see what the mansion looked like. It was dark and gothic and I loved how it looked. We went inside and Luke says to me, "Stay down here while I go take the bags up because I want to show you around." I nod my head and then Luke and everyone else went upstairs. Luke comes back down and he gives me a tour of the mansion but he never shows me our room.

Finally after the tour, Luke takes me up to our room and he says, "Close your eyes please." I sigh slightly and shut my eyes and I hear the sound of a door being opened. I feel my hands being grabbed and then Luke gently pulled me forward and then I hear the door being closed and I hear Luke whisper in my ear, "Open your eyes love." I open them and I see posters everywhere, there's a queen bed, a dresser, and a television stand with a television sitting on it. I turn to look at Luke and say, "Not much furniture in here." He chuckles and says, "Well, we can always go buy more." I grab Luke's hand and we both go to the bed and sit down, I stare at Luke and lean towards him. I kiss him on the lips and then he kisses me back. My life with Luke is now perfect. I never thought that my dream of living with him would ever happen but I'm glad that I'm with him and I am very happy to have him in my life.

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