My Darkest Fantasy Ch. 9

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Ashley's P.O.V.

After Luke went over the list, he calls out Dylan's name. Two reasons Luke would call his, he wanted Dylan to come with or two, he wanted Dylan to stay and watch me. If it is the second one, I'm going to be pissed and a certain somebody was going to get yelled out. Then Dylan walks over and Luke says, "Can you watch Ashley for me?" I'm pissed off now so I say, "Mind explaining to me why I need a baby-sitter?" Before anybody can say anything, I storm off back into Luke's room and after the door is slammed shut, I sit on the bed trying to calm myself down. Five minutes passed and then I hear somebody knock on the door so I say in a calm voice, "Come in." 

The door opens to reveal Luke and he says, "Can we talk?" I nod my head and after he shuts the door he sits down beside me. I was trying to calm myself down because I didn't want to yell at him but then my anger came out and it made me yell out, "Why are you having Dylan watch me, I'm not a fucking kid?!" I was about to say more but then Luke leaned over and kissed me...quieting me and then he says, "I know you're not a kid and the only reason I'm having Dylan watch you is to keep you happy until I get back." I knew that no matter what I tried to say to get Luke to change his mind that in the end Dylan would be watching me so I say, "Okay, I'll stop complaining." I look up at Luke's face and I see that he's smiling at me. I roll my eyes and say, "You won this round but I'll get you back." 

Luke stands up, kisses the top of my head and he says, "See you later." Right after Luke walked out of the room, Dylan came in and he says, "Can I sit down?" I nod my head and he sits down and then Luke poked his head out the door and he says, "I'm leaving now." He closes the door and it became silent between Dylan and I. I hated it so I say, "How long have you known Luke?"Dylan doesn't say anything, so I figured he didn't want to talk but then he says, "I have known him for ten years." Wow...I didn't think with Luke's attitude that he could have friends that long and then I say, "Do you have any movies we can watch? Because I'm bored." Dylan tells me that he has movies and then he tells me to follow him. I got off the bed and followed him. I get off the bed and followed him. He opens up a new door and I see Ryan in a bed. Dylan tells me to sit down so I do and then he pulls out a couple of movies and he says, "See one you want to watch?" 

Dylan's P.O.V.

When Luke told me that he wanted me to watch his mate, I thought that I would be having to listen to her complain about me having to watch her but then she asked if I had any movies. I so hope she doesn't ask if I have any chick flicks, because I was not going to be dealing with that crap. This girl ceases to amaze me...she ended up pulling out a movie called, 'End of Days.' I smile as I put the DVD in and say to Ashley, "You a fan of horror?" She tells me that she is so I say, "I thought you were going to pick a girly movie." She laughs and says, "I hate those types." Just now I am jealous of Luke, he has the type of girl I want and I have nobody. 

I felt a hand on my arm so I looked up to see Ashley with a concerned look so I say, "I'm fine." I smile at her but the look on her face said it all...she knew I was lying. The movie began and Ashley turns her head to watch and I hear her say, "You can talk to me about anything...I won't tell." I chuckle and say, "I should be telling you that." We both stopped talking so we could enjoy the movie. When the movie was over I hear a door shut. I got up and walked out and I see Luke carrying bags. I helped him carry bags into his room and I call out Ashley's name. She comes out and says, "Yeah?" I tell her that Luke is back so she heads into his room. I head out to see if Luke needed more help but when I stepped out, he was just standing there. I called his name and then suddenly Luke's fist came at my face. I fell backwards and Luke says, "Why was Ashley touching your arm?!" Before I could say anything a voice says, "Because I was concerned about Dylan...he looked like he was in deep thought." 

I looked up to see Ashley; I stood up just as Luke says to me, "You got off easy but next time you won't be so lucky." Luke grabbed Ashley's arm and they both went into the bus and then Luke sticks his head out and says, "Get the rest of the bags." I sigh and grab the last of the bags and then I take them all inside. I knock on Luke's door and I hear him say for me to come in. I open the door and place the bags on the floor. I saw Ashley on the bed...she had a tear-stained face. Luke must have yelled at her, I smile a little at her and I see she looks away. I walked out of the room and closed the door. 

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